Plant Regeneration from Protoplasts Derived from Cell Suspensions of Green Shoots in Indica Rice
Yang Changdeng,Zhao Chengzhang,Qi Xiufang
1993, 7(4):
222-226 .
The calli induced from green shoots of indica rice Hu-18 on N6 medium with 2 mg/L 2,4-D were subcultured for about 45 days in AA liquid medium. A finely divided, fast growing cell suspension was established. During the first 6 days after subculture, dry weight of suspension cells doubled every 2 days, while the osmostic pressure and pH value of the culture medium were rapidly reduced. 4 days after subculture suspension cells were used for protoplast isolation. Protoplast yield reached 7. 84×106 protoplasts/g cells. Protoplasts were cultured in KPR medium with 0. 6% agarose. The plating efficiency of protoplasts was 12.0%. After 20 days, colonies (0.1 mm) were transferred onto N6 medium with 0. 5 mg/L 2,4-D, 1mg/L BA, 1 mg/L KT and 0. 3 mg/L ZT The growing calli 2-3 mm in diameter, were translcrred onto N6 medium with 1 mg/L BA, 1 mg/L KT, 0. 3 mg/L ZT and 0. 5 mg/L NAA for redifferentlaiion After 5 days, shoots and roots were observed. The green plantlet frequency was about 3. 5 per 10000 protoplasts.