Genetic Expression for Quality Traits of Rice Grain in Japonica Hybrids
Li Xin,Mo Huidong,Wang Anmin,Xu Chengwu,Zhu Yihua,Yu Hengxiu
1999, 13(4):
197-204 .
A statistical method recently proposed by Mo et al. for analysing the inheritance of seed trait in p + q + 2pq mating design was used to investigate the genetic expression of nine quality traits in japonica hybrid rice. The parents were p= 4 maintainers and q = 7 restorers. The results showed: (1)The expression of brown, milled, and head rice rates (BRR, MRR, HRR), grain length (GL), grain width (GW), and chalkiness score (CS) in hybrids was subject to the diploid maternal genotypes and no genetic segregation occurred among F2 grains born on F1 plant. However, very significant segregation was found among F2 grains in gelatinization temperature (GT), amylose content (AC), and gel consistency (GC). This indicated that the inheritance of GT, AC, and GC was mainly controlled under the endosperm genotype. (2) The additive variation was principal component in all traits except AC. But the variance due to F2 grain segregation had a considerable share intotal genetic variance in AC, GT, and GC traits. This suggested further that the three traits were mainly controlled by triploid endosperm genotyps. (3) The result of reciprocals showed there was a significant cytoplasmic effect in all nine qualitytraits, but their shares were not large, only from 2. 49% (GT) to 29. 3% (MRR) and concentrating from 2% to 5%. Although variation was also observed among traits or crosses.