The Structure and the Correct of the Structural Components of Rice(Oryza sativa) Embryo
Xu Xuebing,Han Huizhen,S Y Zee
1989, 3(3):
129-137 .
Based on scanning electron microscopic observation,the surface feature of embryogeny process and the morphology of the various components that make up the embryo were described(Fig.1, Fig.3—3,5). The chaotic naming of the various components of the rice embryo was reviewed and checked. Thus, the wrong description of rice embryo morphology was found, for example,Juliano considered coleoptile or lateral-scale as epiblast(Fig.4-4, Fig.6-1); Yung and Kiyochika mistook the lateral scale as ventral scale(Fig.4-2); and in two Chinese translation books of Japanese the lateral scale was mistaken as coleoptile(Fig.4-1); etc. In this paper a new revised scheme of the structure of rice embryo and the naming of its structural components was proposed(Fig.7).