Antibiosis and Its Resistance Evaluation of Xiu-Shui 620 to the Brown Planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens
Gao Chunxian,Gu Xiuhui,Bei Yawei
1990, 4(4):
175-180 .
Some antibiosis effects of Xiu-Shui 620 to brown planthopper (BPH) Nilaparvata lugens were presented in this paper. The parameters from laboratory were estimated as trend index of population and intrinsic control rate of N. lugens. The field control effect of Xiu-Shui 620 on N.lugens are also observed. 1) In efficts of antibiosis, the area of honeydew excreted by BPH on Xiu-Shui 48 was 37.8% of the susceptible variety, Xiu-Shui 48. Body-weight of BPH of adult after a generation reared on Xiu-Shui 620 was significantly lighter than that on Xiu-Shui 48. The mean number of eggs reared on Xiu-Shui 620 was 191/♀; Xiu-Shui 48was 316.2 / ♀ and IR64 only 87.5/♀ .The survival rate of BPH reared on Xiu-Shui 620, IR64 was a 50% decrease of reared on Xiu-Shui 48. The emergence rate of BPH from instar 5 to adult reared on Xiu-Shui 620 and IR64 was apparently less than on Xiu-Shui 48. 2) The trend index of population of N. lugens. Xiu-Shui 48,I=139.6; Xiu-Shui 620, I=30.30; IR64, I=19.09. The intrinsic control rate: in this experiment, the intrinsic control rate of Xiu-Shui 620 to N. lugens was 0.7829 and IR64 was 0.8632.3) The field control rate : in this experiment, the field control rate of Xiu-Shai 620 to N. lugens was 77.23%. 4) Number of spider: in the field ,the cumulative spider-days on Xiu-Shui 620 was 86.3 / hill and Xiu-shui 48 was 88.9 / hill.