Studies on the Ecological Adaptability of Growing Rice with Floating Bed on the Natural Waters
Song Xiangfu,Wu Weiming,Ying Huodong,Jin Qianyu,Zhu Min,Lu Yongliang,Zou Guoyan
1996, 10(4):
227-234 .
Growing rice with floating bed on the natural waters is a new technique of rice soilless culture developed successfully in 1990. In 1991-1993, the trials on the ecological adaptability were conducted on 5 kinds of natural waters in Zhejiang Province to examine the feasibility of the technique to be applied in the varied waters such as large reservoir, lake, fish pond and so on. The double- and single-cropping rice of 4. 33 hm2 experienced different ecological environments and climates. Except for double-cropping early rice, rice growing on the waters in different seasons yielded highlier than paddy rice. The highest yields of double and single-cropping rice are 14 985 and 10 065 kg/hm2, respectively. The technical model of growing rice on the natural waters was established , including transplanting, fixing of floating bed, and so on.
ReplaceFont('ChDivSummary','为探明自然水域浮床无土栽培水稻(简称水上种稻,下同)技术应用于大型水库等水域的可行性,1991~1993年,在浙江省境内的5种水域类型上进行了生态适应性试验。累计试种双季和单季稻4.33hm2,均经受住了不同生态环境和不同年份气候条件的考验。其中,除连作早稻单产低于水田水稻对照外,其他两季的单产均超过了水田水稻对照。最高的双手连作稻和单季晚稻单产分别达14985和10065kg/hm2。从而证明,在各类型水域上进行水上种稻不但可行,且能取得与水田水稻相仿甚至更高的产量。');ReplaceFont('EnDivSummary','Growing rice with floating bed on the natural waters is a new technique of rice soilless culture developed successfully in 1990. In 1991~1993, the trials on the ecological adaptability were conducted on 5 kinds of natural waters in Zhejiang Province to examine the feasibility of the technique to be applied in the varied waters such as large reservoir, lake, fish pond and so on. The double- and single-cropping rice of 4. 33 hm2 experienced different ecological environments and climates. Except for double-cropping early rice, rice growing on the waters in different seasons yielded highlier than paddy rice. The highest yields of double and single-cropping rice are 14 985 and 10 065 kg/hm2, respectively. The technical model of growing rice on the natural waters was established , including transplanting, fixing of floating bed, and so on.');if(document.getElementById('ChDivSummary') != null && document.getElementById('ChDivSummary').innerHTML!=""){CutSpan('ChDivSummary',500);DisplaySpanDiv('ChDivSummary');ClearSummaryOnLoad('SummaryLinkChID','SummaryLinkEnID');} if(document.getElementById('EnDivSummary') != null && document.getElementById('EnDivSummary').innerHTML!=""){CutSpan('EnDivSummary',1000);DisplaySpanDiv('EnDivSummary');ClearSummaryOnLoad('SummaryLinkEnID','SummaryLinkChID');}ReplaceChar1('ChDivSummary');ReplaceChar('ChDivSummary');ReplaceChar1('EnDivSummary');ReplaceChar('EnDivSummary');