Chinese Journal of Rice Science

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Breeding of Male Sterile Lines with the Cytoplasm of Yegong (Y Type) in Huanan Late Indica Rice

CAI Shan-xin   

  1. (Department of Agronomy; South China Agricultural University; Guangzhou 510642; China)
  • Received:1900-01-01 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:2002-04-10 Published:2002-04-10



  1. 华南农业大学 农学系, 广东 广州 510642

Abstract: Y type CMS lines were developed by using the cytoplasm of late maturity variety Yegong in Huanan late indica rice, which confirmed that the male sterile cytoplasm could be obtained from Huanan late indica rice. Results indicated that effects of male sterile cytoplasm of Y type on the hybrid rice were superior than those of abortive wild rice. The Y type CMS lines showed a complete and stable sterility, similar relation of restorers and maintainers as that in the WA type, diversified inheritance of growth duration, good combining ability. Hybrid rice combinations Huayou 86 and Huayougui 99 derived from Y Huanong A had high and stable yield, good grain quality, strong disease resistance and wide adaptability, showing Y type CMS lines is a new exploitable CMS lines.

Key words: hybrid rice, male sterile line, breeding

摘要: 由华南晚籼迟熟品种夜公细胞质育成了Y型不育系,证明华南晚籼迟熟品种中存在着雄性不育细胞质。Y型雄性不育细胞质效应优于野败,其不育系表现全不育,不育性稳定,恢保关系与野败相似,生育期遗传多样化,配合力强,已由其育成一批强优组合。由Y华农A育成的华优86和华优桂99 表现高产稳产、米质优良、抗病性强,表明Y型不育系是可以开发利用的新型细胞质雄性不育系。

关键词: 杂交水稻, 雄性不育系, 育种