Chinese Journal of Rice Science

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Resistance to Bacterial Blight and Fertility of the Progenies from Xa21 Transgenic Rice Pei'ai 64S

CHEN Xiao-rong; QIAN Hai-feng; XUE Qing-zhong   

  1. (Agronomy Department; College of Agriculture and Biotechnology; Zhejiang University; Hangzhou 310029; China)
  • Received:1900-01-01 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:2002-07-10 Published:2002-07-10
  • Contact: XUE Qing-zhong


陈小荣; 钱海丰; 薛庆中 *   

  1. 浙江大学 农业与生物技术学院 农学系, 浙江 杭州 310029; * 通讯联系人

Abstract: Results of resistance to bacterial blight and fertility of the progenies from Xa21 transgenic rice Pei'ai 64S were as follows: the transgene could inherite stably and express fully in the fifth generation; (Pei'ai 64S/progenies from Xa21 transgenic Pei'ai 64S)F1 plants were all positive by PCR analysis of Xa21, and most of them were resistant to bacterial blight, suggested that the transgene could be transferred by ordinary crossing. Mendelian segregation was observed in F2, indicating that the transgene inherited as a dominant gene. In the progenies (Pei'ai 64S/ progenies from Xa21 transgenic Pei'ai 64S)F1 were all fertile, while in the F2 (fertile plants/sterile plants) was 27∶1 under high temperature and long daylength conditions.

Key words: rice, gene transfer, inheritance, fertility, resistance to disease, bacterial blight

摘要: 对筛选到的转[WTBX][STBX]Xa21[WTBZ][STBZ]基因培矮64S后代纯合株系抗性与育性的研究表明,在第5代杂种中,该外源基因仍能稳定遗传表达;以其作父本、培矮64S为母本所配制的F1植株, Xa21基因PCR检测均呈阳性,且绝大多数表现抗白叶枯病,说明该外源基因能够通过常规杂交方式转移利用。这些杂交组合F2群体中抗病与感病株出现3∶1分离,表明转Xa21基因在杂交后代的传递属单基因显性遗传。长日高温下,(培矮64S/转Xa21基因培矮64S)F1雄性完全可育,F2群体可育与不育株出现27∶1分离。

关键词: 水稻, 转基因, 遗传, 育性, 抗病性, 白叶枯病