Chinese Journal of Rice Science

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Amelioration of Fe2+ Toxicity by Phosphorous in Rice

CAI Miao-zhen; LIN Xian-yong; LUO An-cheng; ZHANG Yong-song   

  1. (College of Environmental and Resources Sciences; Zhejiang University; Hangzhou 310029; China)
  • Received:1900-01-01 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:2002-07-10 Published:2002-07-10


蔡妙珍; 林咸永; 罗安程; 章永松   

  1. 浙江大学 环境与资源学院, 浙江 杭州310029

Abstract: A solution culture experiment was conducted to study the effects of P on growth and physiological parameters of two rice genotypes, Azucena (tolerant genotype) and IR64 (sensitive genotype) under excessive Fe2+ stress. Results showed that Fe2+ stress significantly inhibited the growth of rice shoot and root and decreased the chlorophyll content in rice leaf. The negative effect of Fe2+ on rice growth could be ameliorated by increasing P level in the cultural solution. The ameliorating effect of P was more pronounced on the tolerant genotype, Azucena than that on sensitive genotype, IR64. P addition reduced malondialdehyde content and plasma membrane permeability and increased peroxidase activity in the leaves. It suggested that P may play an important role in increasing rice resistance to excessive Fe2+ stress.

Key words: phosphorus, excessive ferrous ion stress, rice, lipid peroxidation, antioxidase

摘要: 采用溶液培养法研究了高Fe2+胁迫下不同磷水平对粳稻Azucena(耐铁毒基因型)和籼稻IR64(铁毒敏感基因型)的生长和生理特性的影响。结果表明,与正常供Fe2+相比,高Fe2+胁迫抑制了水稻地上部和根系的生长,降低了干物质积累量和叶片叶绿素含量。外源供磷水平的提高,水稻地上部和根系生长受铁毒抑制程度有所减弱,叶片丙二醛含量和质膜透性下降,POD活性和叶绿素含量增加,而SOD活性则有所下降。表明在一定程度上,磷营养对提高水稻的耐Fe2+毒害具有重要作用,而磷对缓解Azucena的Fe2+毒害的效果较为明显。

关键词: 磷素, 高亚铁离子胁迫, 水稻, 脂质过氧化