Chinese Journal of Rice Science

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Variations of Nitrogen Use Efficiency by Rice Genotype

PIAO Zhong-ze 1; HAN Long-zhi 2; KOH Hee-jeong 3   

  1. 1Institute of Crop Breeding and Cultivation; Shanghai Academy of Agricultural Sciences; Shanghai 201106; China; 2Institute of Crop Germplasm Resources; Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences; Beijing 100081; 3 School of Plant Science; College of Agriculture & Life Sciences; Seoul National University; Sowoen 441-744; Korea)
  • Received:1900-01-01 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:2003-07-10 Published:2003-07-10


朴钟泽1; 韩龙植2; 高熙宗3   

  1. 1 上海市农业科学院 作物育种栽培研究所, 上海 201106; 2中国农业科学院 作物品种资源研究所, 北京 100081; 3汉城大学校 农业生命科学大学 农学科, 韩国 水原 441744

Abstract: Difference of N-use efficiency for rice varieties, correlation among rice grain yields and traits associated with N-use efficiency, difference of N-absorbed amount at different growth stages were analysed in N-fertilized and N-unfertilized conditions by using nine rice varieties. Results showed that total N-absorbed amount and physiological N-use efficiency at harvest-ing stage and N-translocation efficiency significantly differed among nine rice varieties in both N-fertilized and N-unfertilized conditions. N-use efficiency in N-unfertilized condition was higher than that in N-fertilized condition; Physiological N-use efficiency at harvesting stage was significantly correlated with total N-absorbed amount, N-translocation efficiency, rice grain yield, number of panicles, seed setting rate and harvest index. Total N-absorbed amount from booting stage to maturity stage were significantly different among rice varieties, while N-absorbed amount at early and middle growth stage weren’t significantly different among rice varieties.

Key words: rice, yield, nitrogen, nutrient use efficiency

摘要: 在施氮和未施氮两种条件下,探讨了9个不同生态类型水稻品种的氮素利用效率差异、稻谷产量及氮素利用效率相关性状之间的相关关系以及水稻品种各生育时期氮素吸收量的差异。研究表明,在施氮和未施氮两种处理下,水稻品种间氮素吸收总量、收获期氮素生理利用效率和氮素转移效率有着显著差异;在未施氮条件下氮素利用效率显著高于施氮的;在施氮和未施氮两种条件下,收获期生理氮素利用效率、氮素吸收总量和氮素转移率均呈显著的正相关,且与稻谷产量、穗数、结实率和收获指数呈显著的正相关;孕穗期至黄熟期氮素吸收量在水稻不同基因型间有着显著差异,而在生育前期和中期氮素未见显著差异。

关键词: 水稻, 产量, 氮素, 养分利用效率