Chinese Journal of Rice Science

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SSR Analysis and Soluble Protein Content in Leaf of Rice Mutants Induced by High Pressure

HE Xiu-ying 1; XU Shi-ping 2; LIAO Yao-ping 1; MAO Xing-xue 1; WENG Ke-nan 2; CHEN Zhao-ming 1; CHEN Yue-han 1; XIAO Wan-sheng 2   

  1. (1Rice Research Institute; Guangdong Academy of Agricultural Sciences; Guangzhou 510640, China; 2Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry; Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)
  • Received:1900-01-01 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:2003-10-10 Published:2003-10-10


何秀英1; 徐世平2; 廖耀平1; 毛兴学1; 翁克难2; 陈钊明1; 陈粤汉1; 肖万生2   

  1. 1广东省农业科学院 水稻研究所, 广东 广州 510640; 2中国科学院 广州地球化学研究所, 广东 广州 510640

Abstract: Rice variety Yuexiangzhan and its mutants induced by high pressure, were studied by using microsatellite marker and soluble protein content analysi s. Results indicated that 11 of the 88 microsatellite primer pairs showed polymorphism. The polymorphic frequency was 3.4%-11.3% between mutants and Yuexiangzhan. The polymorphic markers were randomly located on rice chromosomes. The more similar the plant type of the mutants looked like their original variety(Yuexiangzhan), the less polymorphic loci were obtained. In addition, content of soluble protein in leaves of mutant was significantly lower than that in the original variety.

Key words: high pressure, mutant, microsatellite marker, protein content, rice

摘要: 应用微卫星标记技术和可溶性蛋白质含量测定,对水稻品种粤香占及其由高压引起的变异材料粤压1、2、3、4号进行分子生物学研究。结果表明,在选取的88对微卫星引物中有11对表现多态性,变异材料与原种的多态性频率介于3.4%~11.3%,多态性标记随机地分布于水稻染色体上,形态上与原种越相近的材料多态性位点数越少。此外,每一变异材料叶片可溶性蛋白质含量互不相同,均显著低于对照。

关键词: 高压, 变异材料, 微卫星标记, 蛋白质含量, 水稻