Chinese Journal of Rice Science

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Quality Characters of Hybrid Rice Grain Derived from Different Ecological Types and Their Genetic Analysis in Japonica Rice (Oryza sativa)

LENG Yan; HONG De-lin   

  1. (State Key Laboratory of Crop Genetics and Germplasm Enhancement; Nanjing Agricultural University; Nanjing 210095; China)
  • Received:1900-01-01 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:2004-01-10 Published:2004-01-10
  • Contact: HONG De-lin


冷燕; 洪德林*   

  1. 南京农业大学 作物遗传与种质创新国家重点实验室, 江苏 南京 210095

Abstract: The performance and inheritance of seven grain quality characters were studied by using F2 rice grain derived from 8×8 diallel crossing made by eight parents of different ecological type japonica rice. The differences in each character of eight parents were not obvious,but in F 2 generation,transgressive phenomena were found in all characters studied,indicating that the genes controlling these characters among parents were scattered. The inheritance of grain width(GW),weight of grain (WG),chalkiness score(CS), gelatinization temperature(GT) and gel consistency(GC) were fitted to additive-dominant model, and dominant effect was major effect in the five characters. The inheritance of grain length(GL)and amylose content(AC) were not fitted to additive-dominant model, existing epistatic effects. Dominant genes for GW and WG made the character values decrease,and dominant genes for CS,GT and GC made the character values increase. Koshihikari contained more recessive genes in GT than other varieties. Zhendao 88 had more dominant genes in GW and WG than other varieties. Xiushui 04 had more dominant genes in GL and GC and more recessive genes in CS than other varieties.

Key words: japonica rice, ecological type, grain quality, inheritance

摘要: 研究了8个不同生态类型的粳稻品种所配成的8×8双列杂交的F2稻米的7个品质性状的表现及遗传。结果表明:(1)8个亲本各品质性状表观差异不大,但F2代出现超亲现象,表明亲本间基因呈分散分布。(2)米粒宽、米粒重、垩白率、糊化温度、胶稠度5个性状的遗传符合加性显性模型,且均以显性效应为主。粒长和直链淀粉含量2个性状的遗传不符合加性显性模型,存在上位性。(3)粒宽、粒重2个性状的显性基因具减效作用,垩白度、糊化温度和胶稠度3个性状的显性基因具增效作用。(4)越光在糊化温度性状上比其他品种带有较多的隐性基因;镇稻88在粒宽、粒重2个性状上带有较多的显性基因;秀水04在粒长和胶稠度2个性状上带有较多的显性基因,在垩白度性状上带有较多的隐性基因。

关键词: 粳稻, 生态类型, 稻米品质, 遗传