Chinese Journal of Rice Science

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Analysis on the Current Status of Wild Rice Resource Distributed in Yunnan Province Based on the Investigation

DAI Lu-yuan 1; WU Li-hua 1; WANG Lin 1; YANG Qing-wen 2; TANG Cui-feng 1; YU Teng-qiong 1   

  1. 1 Crop Genetic Resources Institute; Yunnan Academy of Agricultural Sciences; Kunming 650205; China; 2 Institute of Crop Germplasm Resources; Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences; Beijing 100081; China)
  • Received:1900-01-01 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:2004-03-10 Published:2004-03-10
  • Contact: DAI Lu-yuan


戴陆园1; 吴丽华1; 王 琳1; 杨庆文2; 汤翠凤1; 余腾琼1   

  1. 1云南省农业科学院 农作物品种资源站, 云南 昆明 650205; 2中国农业科学院 作物品种资源研究所, 北京 100081)

Abstract: Field survey on wild rice resources in situ was carried out in Yunnan Province in October,2002 and March,2003 through participatory method of investigation. The area investigated covered 93 recorded sites of wild rice resources belonging to 16 counties of six prefectures, i.e. Yuxi, Simao, Xishuangbanna,Baoshan, Lincang and Dehong. Only 30 sites of the 93 ones kept wild rice still while no wild rice was found in any of the rest sites. Ten sites else were newly discovered to conserve wild rice (Oryza meyeriana Baill.). Hence, the total sites of wild rice are 40 in Yunnan Province, distributing across 16 counties of the six prefectures, of which 35 sites concentrate in 12 counties of three prefectures, Simao, Dehong and Lincang. The distribution area of Oryza rufipogon Griff. is about 1334 m2, the two sites of Oryza officinalis Wall. are both about 334 m2 , and those of O. meyeriana Baill. range from a few plants to 133 400 m2 . There are eight sites with area larger than 13 340 m2 and middle or high density. Among them four sites locate in Puer County, Mojiang County and Simao County of Simao Prefecture, two sites in Longling County of Dehong Prefecture, one site in Cangyuan County of Lincang Prefecture and another in Jinghong County of Xishuangbanna Prefecture.

Key words: wild rice, analysis, distribution, current status, Yunnan, investigation

摘要: 利用现有资料,采用当地人员参与性考察调查方法,在2002年10月和2003年3月对云南省玉溪市、思茅地区、西双版纳傣族自治州、德宏傣族景颇族自治州、保山地区和临沧地区16个县(市)的93个野生稻原生境进行了考察核查。发现原先记载的93个野生稻分布点中只有30个点还存在野生稻,同时又发现了10个疣粒野生稻新分布点。现存野生稻分布点合计40个,其中普通野生稻1个点、药用野生稻2个点和疣粒野生稻37个点。这40个野生稻点分布于6个地区(州、市)16个不同的县(市),其中35个点集中分布在思茅地区、临沧地区和德宏傣族景颇族自治州12个县(市)。普通野生稻分布点的面积约1 334 m2,2个药用野生稻分布点的面积均约为334 m2,37个疣粒野生稻分布点的面积变幅较大,从少量几丛到133 400 m2以上;分布面积不少于13 340 m2且密度在中等以上的分布点全省只有8个,这8个点中有4个分布在思茅地区的普洱县、墨江哈尼族彝族自治县和思茅市,2个点分布在德宏傣族景颇族自治州的龙陵县,还有临沧地区的沧源佤族自治县和西双版纳景洪市各有1个分布点。

关键词: 野生稻, 分析, 分布, 现状, 云南, 考察