Chinese Journal of Rice Science

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Genetic Expression of Rice Male Sterility in the Allocytoplasmic Background

WANG Nai-yuan 1; LI Yu 2; LIANG Kang-jing 1; CAI Zhi-jun 1; YANG Ren-cui 2   

  1. 1College of Crop Science; Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University; 2 Institute of Genetics & Crop Breeding; Fuzhou 350002; China
  • Received:1900-01-01 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:2004-05-10 Published:2004-05-10


王乃元1;李 毓2; 梁康迳1;蔡之军1;杨仁崔2;   

  1. 1福建农林大学 作物科学学院; 2福建农林大学 作物遗传育种研究所, 福建 福州350002

Abstract: By using F1 generation of the natural male sterile Jinzao 6/normal fertile Jinzao 6 as male parent, and the same nucleus alien cytoplasmic line developed by hybridization and numerous backcrosses of nine rice germplasms /Zhenshan 97 as female parent, the genetic expression of male sterility was observed. The nine alien cytoplasms included O.barthii,O.glaberrima, Indian T141, African cultivated rice Gambiaka Kokum, Chinese indica rice Zhenshan 97, Indonesian javanica rice Boak and Gannal, Chinese japonica rice Huakenuo and Japanese japonica rice Nanjing 56.Results from F2 generation showed that male sterility of Jinzao 6 segregated and male sterile plants were obtained under all the backgrounds of the nine alien cytoplasms, and no fertile cytoplasmic type caused by interactive inheritance with the male sterile gene of Jinzao 6 was found.

Key words: rice, male sterility, nucleus-cytoplasm interaction, alien cytoplasm, fertile cytoplasm

摘要: 以早籼金早6号天然雄性不育株与金早6号正常可育株杂交F1为父本,9个水稻种质O. barthiiO. glaberrimaO. sativa的印度春籼T141、非洲栽培稻Gambiaka Kokum、中国早籼珍汕97、印尼爪哇稻Boak和Gannal品种、中国粳稻花壳糯和日本粳稻南粳56 与早籼珍汕97杂交并多次回交的同核异质代换系为母本进行杂交,观察后代的遗传表现。杂交F2代结果表明,金早6号雄性不育性在9个异源胞质背景下全部分离并出现雄性不育株,未发现与金早6号雄性不育基因互作导致可育的胞质类型。

关键词: 水稻, 雄性不育, 核质互作, 异源胞质, 可育胞质