Chinese Journal of Rice Science

• 研究简报 • Previous Articles    

Primary Research on Characteristic and Heredity of an Angustifoliate Rice Material

LIU Jian-chang; ZHANG Wei-min   

  1. Foshan Agricultural School; Nanhai 528000; China
  • Received:1900-01-01 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:2004-11-10 Published:2004-11-10


刘建昌; 张为民   

  1. 广东省佛山市农业学校, 广东 南海 528000;

Abstract: The 545-angustifoliate material(545AL), originated from a radiation mutation of Fu 54-needle material, was used to study the genetics of leaf width. The characters of 545AL were 69.8±5.0 cm in plant height, 18.8±1.6 cm and 0.87±0.07 cm in flag leaf length and width, and 13.7±0. 23 g in 1000-grain weight. 545AL always segregates,namely every angustifoliate plant always segregates two type plants (the wide-leaf plants and the angusti foliate plants) with different segregation ratios. The wide-leaf plants derived from the angustifoliate plants would produce only wide-leaf plants in next generation with small variation of plant population. Crosses between 545AL and wide -leaf materials expressed wide leaf in F1, F2,without angustifol iate plants in F2. Crosses between the 545-wide leaf material and wid e-leaf materials showed wide-leaf in F1, and classic segregation in F2. It suggested that the 545AL might be a new type of rice germplasm

Key words: rice, leaf characteristic, leaf width, heredity

摘要: 从桂朝2号辐射突变系辐54针叶中选出545窄叶株,其株高(69.8±5.0) cm,剑叶长(18.8±1.6)cm,剑叶宽(0.87±0.07)cm,千粒重(13.7±0.23)g,谷粒为麻壳,株叶型好,不早衰。经过5年的连续跟踪选择和初步的遗传测定,该窄叶材料始终处于分离状态,且分离呈规律性变化,即凡是窄叶株,下代就一定分离出宽叶株和窄叶株两种类型,分离比单株间存在差异;从窄叶株分离出来的宽叶株,下代仅出现一种类型,即宽叶株,群体间变异小。545窄叶与具有标记性状的稳定宽叶材料杂交,各组合F[sub]1[/sub]代都表现为宽叶;F[sub]2[/sub]代群体中没有窄叶株出现,表现为一极分离状态。545宽叶与标记性状的稳定宽叶材料杂交,各组合F[sub]1[/sub]代都表现为宽叶;F[sub]2[/sub]代群体中既有双亲叶型,也有中间叶型。

关键词: 水稻, 叶片特性, 叶片宽度, 遗传