Chinese Journal of Rice Science

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Study on Genetic Variation of Rice Varieties Derived from Aizizhan by Using Morphological Traits, Allozymes and Simple Sequence Repeat (SSR) Markers

Yu Han-yong;Wei Xing-hua;Wang Yi-ping;Yuan Xiao-ping;Tang Sheng-xiang   

  • Received:1900-01-01 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:2004-11-10 Published:2004-11-10


余汉勇; 魏兴华*; 王一平; 袁筱萍; 汤圣祥   

  1. 中国水稻研究所 水稻生物学国家重点实验室, 浙江 杭州 310006; *通讯联系人,

Abstract: A sample set of 24 Chinese modern rice varieties d erived from Aizizhan was selected to detect the genetic variation by using morphological traits, allozyme and SSR markers. Cluster analysis showed that there ex isted difference in genetic distance of varieties determined by morphological t raits, allozymes and SSR markers. All the 24 varieties could be distinguished by 38 morphological traits or 24 SSR markers, but only 17 varieties by 12 allozym ic loci. When using morphological traits, the genetic distances between the vari ety Xiangyaonuo and other varieties were the highest, while varieties Xiang yaonuo, Zhenzhu′ai 11 and Fuluxuan were more dissimilar than other varieties by SSR markers. In association with allozyme, variety Tuanjie 1 appeared to be the most distinct from all of the others. The correlation coefficients among the genetic distances examined by morphological traits, allozymes and SSR marke rs ranged from 0.217 to 0.494, and were significant at 0 01 level between morphological traits and SSR markers. More genetic variation could be detected betw een pedigree selection lines or mutants and their parents.

Key words: rice, genetic variation, morphology, allozyme, simpl e sequence repeat marker, correlation

摘要: 选取我国水稻矮仔占衍生品种24份,应用形态学、等位酶和微卫星(SSR)标记,分析矮仔占衍生品种的遗传差异。聚类分析表明3种方法在鉴别品种的遗传差异上存在较大差异。形态性状和SSR标记均能有效地鉴别24份衍生品种,而等位酶仅能鉴别其中17份。从形态学性状看,以香药糯与其他品种的遗传差异最大,SSR分析以香药糯、珍珠矮11和辐陆选与其他品种的遗传差异较大,而等位酶分析,则以团结1号与其他品种的差异最大。三类标记的遗传距离间虽存在有一定的相关性,但相关系数较小(0.217~0.494),其中,形态学性状与SSR标记间相关极显著(r= 0.494,P= 0.002),等位酶与其他两类标记的相关性均不显著。研究结果还表明,系统选育和辐射选育的品种与亲本间有可能存在较大的遗传差异。

关键词: 水稻, 遗传差异, 形态学, 等位酶, 微卫星标记, 相关性