Chinese Journal of Rice Science

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Effect of Transgenic Rice with Glufosinate-Resistance on Weed Populations in Paddy Field

Yu Liu-qing;Qu Kai-shan;Zhou Yong-jun;Li di;Liu Xiao-chuan;Zhang Chao-xian;Peng Yu-fa   

  • Received:1900-01-01 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:2005-01-10 Published:2005-01-10


余柳青; 渠开山; 周勇军; 李迪; 刘小川; 张朝贤; 彭于发   

  1. 1中国水稻研究所 水稻生物学国家重点实验室,浙江 杭州 310006; 2 中国农业科学院 植物保护研究所, 北京100094

Abstract: Glufosinate, a special herbicide for the transgenic rice with glufosinate-resistance, gave excellent control effect to Leptochloa chinensis, Rotala indica, Lindernia procumbens, Ludwigia prostrata, Eclipta prostrata, Paspalum distichum, Marsilea quadrifolia and Murdannia triquetra. However, it did not control Eleusine indica, Eleocharis acicularis, Eleocharis plntagineformis, and Alternanthera philoxeroides. The barnyardgrass emergenced early was killed but the weeds of cyoeraceae and broadleaf weeds weren′t after being treated with glufosinate. The transgenic rice ‘99-1’ provided more filled rice grains per panicle. The transgenic rice Jiahe 201 didn′t affect the weed populations and their biological mass compared with the parent Bing ‘94-02’. R values as the factor on barnyardgrass were significantly higher given by the transgenic rice ‘99-1’ and Jiahe 201 than the allelopathy potential variety D-gu, and similar to the non-allelopathic rice Xiushui 11. It indicated that the transgenic rice ‘99-1’ and Jiahe 201 had not any competitive advantage of allelopathy compared with barnyardgrass.

Key words: glufosinate, transgenic rice, biodiversity, paddy field, weed control

摘要: 草铵膦作为抗除草剂转基因水稻的专用除草剂,对千金子、节节菜、陌上菜、丁香蓼、鳢肠、双穗雀稗、四叶萍和水竹叶表现出优良防效,但不能有效防治牛筋草、牛毛毡、矮慈姑、野荸荠和空心莲子草。在田间使用草铵膦可以有效防治早期出苗的无芒稗,但不能防治中后期出苗的莎草科和阔叶类杂草。与常规稻秀水11相比,转基因水稻991的每穗实粒数显著高于秀水11,从而获得了更高产量。转基因水稻嘉禾201与亲本丙9402比较,对稻田主要杂草密度和生物量的影响差异不显著。转基因水稻991和嘉禾201对无芒稗的影响因子R显著大于化感潜力品种地谷,但与非化感品种秀水11相当,表明991和嘉禾201无化感竞争优势。

关键词: 草铵膦, 转基因水稻, 生物多样性, 稻田, 杂草防治