Chinese Journal of Rice Science

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Effects of Transgenic Bt Rice on the Population Development of Nephotettix cincticeps

Zhou Xia;Cheng Jia-an;Hu Yang;Lou Yong-gen   

  • Received:1900-01-01 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:2005-01-10 Published:2005-01-10


周霞; 程家安; 胡阳; 娄永根   

  1. 浙江大学 应用昆虫学研究所, 浙江 杭州 310029

Abstract: The population developments of Nephotettix cincticeps in transgenic Bt rice Kemindao 1(KMD1) and Kemindao 2(KMD2), and wild type variety Xiushui 11 were observed. Field investigation indicated that population density of Nephotettix cincticeps in KMD2 were about 0.5 to 1.0 times higher than that in Xiushui 11. Results from laboratory experiments showed that transgenic rice-KMD1,KMD2 could variously influence biological parameters of N. cincticeps, including developmental duration of eggs and nymphs,survival rate,female longevity,fecundity,oviposition duration and innate capacity of increase.The female longevity,oviposition duration and fecundity of N. cincticeps on KMD1 were significantly longer/higher than those on Xiushui 11.The innate capacity for increase of N. cincticeps on KMD1 and KMD2 were 7.865 and 4.251 times of that on Xiushui 11, respectively.

Key words: rice, gene transfer, Nephotettix cincticeps

摘要: 以克螟稻1和克螟稻2及其亲本秀水11为材料,研究了转Bt基因水稻上黑尾叶蝉种群的表现。田间种群动态调查表明,转 Bt 基因水稻克螟稻2上的黑尾叶蝉(Nephotettix cincticeps)的种群数量比其母本秀水11高0.5~1.0倍以上。室内试验结果表明克螟稻1上取食的黑尾叶蝉和克螟稻2上的相比,两者在卵、若虫发育历期、雌成虫寿命、产卵量、产卵持续时间及种群内禀增长力方面均存在明显的差异。其中,取食克螟稻1的黑尾叶蝉的雌成虫寿命、产卵量、产卵持续时间均显著长于或高于以秀水11为食的黑尾叶蝉。以克螟稻为食的黑尾叶蝉的净生殖率为以秀水11为食的黑尾叶蝉的4~8倍。

关键词: 水稻, 转基因, 黑尾叶蝉, 种群参数