Chinese Journal of Rice Science

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Comparative Analysis and Investigation on Plants Growing in in situ Environments of Three Wild Rice Species in Yunnan Province

WANG Lin , DAI Lu-yuan , WU Li-hua , YANG Qing-wen , XU Fu-rong , YU Teng-qiong , TANG Cui-feng   

  • Received:1900-01-01 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:2006-01-10 Published:2006-01-10


王琳1; 戴陆园1,*;吴丽华1;杨庆文2; 徐福荣1; 余腾琼1;汤翠凤1   

  1. 1云南省农业科学院 生物技术与种质资源研究所, 云南 昆明 650205; 2中国农业科学院 作物科学研究所, 北京 100081; *通讯联系人

Abstract: Field survey was carried out on the plants growing in 40 in situ sites of three wild rice species in Yunnan Province, China. A total of 159 plant species, distributed in 51 families were discovered and documented. The plants were classified into three ranks, i.e. plants at arbor, shrub and herb levels.There were 11 species fell into 6 families and 1 sub-family at arbor level, 60 ones into 29 families at shrub level and 88 ones into 20 families at herb level. Ninety-five percent of plants growing together with Oryza rufipogon Griff. belonged to herb level while the plants growing together with O. meyeriana Baill. included herb and arbor levels. There were 20 plant species fell into 5 families and none of them was discovered in any sites of the other two wild rices growing in the site of O. rufipogon. There were 25 plant species fell into 18 families discovered in the sites of O. officinalis Wall. and 15 species were specific. There were 125 plant species fell into 45 families discovered in the sites of O. meyeriana and 117 species were specific. Significance of investigation on plant species growing together with the three wild rices in situ and influence of exotic plants on the wild rices in situ was discussed.

Key words: Oryza meyeriana, Oryza officinalis, Oryza rufipogon, in situ conservation, plant species, investigation, Yunnan Province

摘要: 对云南省境内的3种野生稻40个原生境的植物群落进行了考察,共记录植物159种,分属于51科。按乔木层、灌木层、草本层对野生稻原生境植物种类进行分类,乔木层植物共6科1亚科11种,灌木层植物共29科60种,草本层植物共20科88种;普通野生稻原生境的植物种类95%为草本层,疣粒野生稻的植物则有明显的垂直层次结构。普通野生稻原生境植物共计20种,均为特有植物种,分属于5科,主要为禾本科和莎草科;药用野生稻原生境植物共计25种,分属于19个科,特有种15个;疣粒野生稻原生境植物共计125种,分属于45科,特有植物种数达117个。最后就3种野生稻原生境植物种类调查的意义、外来物种对野生稻的原生境威胁等问题进行了讨论。

关键词: 疣粒野生稻, 药用野生稻, 普通野生稻, 原位保存, 植物种类, 调查, 云南