Chinese Journal of Rice Science

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Comparison on Morphology and Number of Yeastlike Symbionts in Different Host-Associated Populations of Nilaparvata lugens

SUN Jia-yin, FU Qiang* , LAI Feng-xiang, WANG Wei-xia   

  1. China National Rice Research Institute, Hangzhou 310006, China;*Corresponding author, E-mail:
  • Received:1900-01-01 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:2009-09-10 Published:2009-09-10


孙佳音,傅 强*,赖凤香,王渭霞   

  1. 中国水稻研究所, 浙江 杭州 310006;*通讯联系人, E-mail:

Abstract: he morphology and number of yeastlike symbionts(YLS) in three hostassociated populations of Nilaparvata lugens(TN1 population, Mudgo population and ASD7 population) which had been reared on rice varieties TN1 (susceptible), Mudgo (harboring resistance gene Bph1) and ASD7 (harboring resistance gene bph2) for more than 117 generations, respectively were studied. There was significant difference in the YLS size among the three populations. ASD7 population had the longest and widest YLS, followed by TN1 population and Mudgo population. There was no significant difference in lengthwidth ratio of YLS among the three populations. As for the YLS number of N. lugens, the difference among the populations varied with sex of N. lugens. Females had no significant difference in most cases, while males had. The males of TN1 population harbored much more YLSs than those of both Mudgo and ASD7 populations. There was no significant difference between the later two populations. The amount of YLS in N. lugens males increased significantly when TN1 populations were reared on ASD7 or Mudgo for one generation. On the contrast, the amount in N. lugens males decreased significantly when ASD7 and Mudgo populations were reared on TN1. But no significant difference was found for females when their rearing rice varieties were changed from susceptible variety (TN1) to resistant ones (ASD7 or Mudgo). In addition, there was no significant change in YLS number when Mudgo population were reared on ASD7 or ASD7 population on Mudgo.

Key words: Nilaparvata lugens, yeastlike symbionts, hostassociated population, virulence

摘要: 对分别在不同水稻品种TN1(感虫品种)、Mudgo(含Bph1抗虫基因)、ASD7(含bph2抗虫基因)上连续饲养了117代以上的3个褐飞虱寄主种群(分别称为TN1种群、Mudgo种群、ASD7种群)体内类酵母共生菌的形态和数量进行了比较。各褐飞虱种群类酵母共生菌的长和宽差异显著,且ASD7种群>TN1种群>Mudgo种群;长宽比无明显差异。种群间类酵母共生菌数量的差异因试虫性别而异,不同种群的褐飞虱雌虫含菌量无明显差异,雄虫则表现出TN1种群>ASD7种群>Mudgo种群的趋势,其中TN1种群与后两者差异显著,后两者间无显著差异。各褐飞虱种群转移到不同水稻品种上饲养1代,雌虫含菌量变化大多不明显,但雄虫较明显。感虫品种TN1上雄虫转移到两个抗性品种Mudgo和ASD7上饲养含菌量显著降低,抗虫品种上的雄虫转移到TN1上则含菌量显著增加,抗虫品种间的转移含菌量则没有明显变化。

关键词: 褐飞虱, 类酵母共生菌, 寄主种群