Chinese Journal of Rice Science

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The Model of Signal Production and the Simulation of Female Signals in Rice Brown Planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens(Stal)(Homootera: Delphacidae) (in English)

Zhang Zhitao; Yin Baitao; Chen Lunyu; R X Saxena   

  • Received:1900-01-01 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:1991-03-05 Published:1991-03-05


张志涛1;殷柏涛2;陈伦裕2;R C SAXENA3   

  1. 1 中国水稻研究所,杭州310006;2 杭州应用声学研究所,杭州311400;3 国际水稻研究所,菲律宾马尼拉933信箱

Abstract: Sexual recognition and communication in Nilaparvata lugens(Stal) depended entirely on substrate-transmitted acoustic signals. The presence of stridulating organs both in males and females wasdiscovered recently. Signals are produced by a convolution homomorphic system, and the stridulating organ forms the hub of the system. Based on the model of signal production,analogues of female signal of N. lugens were made successfully using an electron simulator system.

Key words: Nilaparvata lugens, Stridulating organ, Signal-producing model

摘要: 褐稻虱Nilaparvata lugens(Stal)雌、雄成虫均能振动腹部.发出由固体介质(寄主植株)传递的声信号,用于交尾前的个体间通讯。整个发声过程似为卷积同态系统, 包括:冲击序列发生器、腹部振动单元、后基片振动单元及机械滤波器。最近发现的摩擦发声器是该系统的核心。根据上述发声模型,用电子振荡电路成功地模拟了褐稻虱雌虫鸣声。

关键词: 褐稻虱, 摩擦发声器, 发声模型, 模拟