Chinese Journal of Rice Science

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The Responses of Semidwarf Rice Lines to Gibberellic Acid

Lin Hongxuan; Xiong Zhenmin; Min Shaokai; Yu Guilin; Zhu Xudong   

  • Received:1900-01-01 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:1991-03-05 Published:1991-03-05



  1. 中国水稻研究所,杭州310006

Abstract: The effect of GA3 on plant height in 47 lines with different semidwarf gene was presented. The plant height of the lines with sd-1 gene is sensitive to GA3, but this responses is not significant in lines possessing semidwarf gene non-allelic to sd-1 gene in indica rice. It indicated this responses could be regard as a new simple approach to identify sd-1 gene in indica rice. In japonica rice, the lines possessing d-47,d-7,d-12,d-13,d-14,d-18h,d-19 and d-30 genes are sensitive to GA3 in plant height, and the lines with d-1,d-2,d-3,d-17 and sd-s(t)genes are not sensitive toGA3. The effects of GA3 on different components of the plant height are different among semidwarflines. The 3rd and 4th internodes from the top have most significant responses to GA3 among the plantheight components.

Key words: Semidwarf rice, Gibberellic acid, Semidwarf gene, Plant height component

摘要: 就47个水稻矮秆品种对GA3的反应进行了研究,结果表明,在籼稻中凡携带有sd-1基因位点的材料其株高对GA3反应均较敏感,而株高对GA3反应迟钝甚至无反应者均可推断其携带有与sd-1非等位的矮生基因,这将可作为鉴别sd-1基因位点的一种新的简捷方法;在粳稻中,具有d-47、d-7、d-12、d-13、d-14d-18h、d-19、d-30位点的矮秆材料其株高对GA3反应敏感,而具有d-1、d-2、d-3、d-17sd-s(t)等13个矮秆基因位点的材料其株高对GA3反应不敏感:GA3对各株高构成因素的影响随材料不同而异,但第III、IV节间对GA3的反应最明显。

关键词: 水稻, 赤霉素, 矮生基因, 株高构成