Chinese Journal of Rice Science

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The SDS-PAGE Analysis of Seed Glutelin in Some Cultivated and Wild Rice

Zhan Xiaoyan; Lin Ronghui   

  • Received:1900-01-01 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:1991-09-05 Published:1991-09-05



  1. 中国水稻研究所,杭州310006

Abstract: The glutelin characteristics in 5 classes of rice cultivars and 6 wild rice species were analysed by SDS-PAGE. The glutelin polypeptides can be classified into 3 groups with mol.wts.18-23 kDa. 30-36 kDa and 49-100 kDa, respectively. There are obvious distinctions in glutelin polypeptide patterns between 2 genus (Oryza L. and Rhynchoryza). Some species of AA genome are of 2 or 3 feature peptides with approximate mol.wt. 50 kDa, and species of CCDD genome are of other feature peptide (mol. wt.23 kDa). The glutelin pattern of indica is different from that of japonica, and the pattern of javanica is quite similar to that of upland rice (japonica type). The polypeptide patterns of varieties in the same ecotype do not shown valuable difference except some lightly diversity occasionally. The results suggest that the rice glutelin polypeptide pattern might be used as a supplementary tool to classify rice species and ecotypes.

Key words: Cultivated rice, Wild rice, Glutelin, Electrophoresis

摘要: 供试的不同属、不同种及不同生态型的水稻材料的种子各蛋白经SDS-PAGE电泳后可分辨为3类多肽,分子量分别为l8~23 kDa.30~36 kDa和49~100 kDa。不同属的材料各蛋白带型明显不同; 同属内基因组相同或相近种的各蛋白有特征多肽,AA基因组的有约Mt.50 kDa的多肽2~3条,CCDD基因组的有约Mt.23 kDa的多肽一条;籼型和粳型稻间带型存在差异,而爪哇稻、粳稻、籼稻间,前二者略近,并以粳型陆稻与爪哇稻最近似。同一生态型的各品种,除细弱带偶尔有差异外,带型基本一致。由此可见,水稻各蛋白电泳分析作为方法之一, 对于属间和稻属内各种及种内分类是有意义的。

关键词: 栽培稻, 野生稻, 种子, 谷蛋白