Chinese Journal of Rice Science

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Distorted Segregation of Waxy Gene and Its Characterization in Indica-Japonica Hybrids

Xu Yunbi; Shen Zongtan   

  • Received:1900-01-01 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:1992-06-05 Published:1992-06-05



  1. 浙江农业大学,杭州310029

Abstract: In order to study the segregation distortion of waxy gene, three intersubspecific compatible japonica varieties Xiushui 117, T8340 and 02428, and Taichung 65 and its four isogenic F1-sterile lines were used to cross and backcross with three pairs of waxy and isogenic nonwaxy indica lines Yuanfengzao vs Yuanfengzao Nuo, Guangluai 4 vs Guangluai 4 Nuo and Zhenzhu 19 vs Zhenzhu 19 Nuo. Results indicated that for grains setting on F1 plants and triple cross F1 plants, the segregation of nonwaxy(n) and waxy(w)could be classified into three types, namely, n: w> 3:1, n: w=3:1 and n: w<3:1. Some genetic factor was found to be responsible for the distorted segregation by influencing pollen competition to some extent and its function was independent of F1 sterility gene. Considering that the distorted segregation showed distinct characterizations from the gametophyte genes reported hitherto, the authors postulated that it could be controlled by the interaction between sporophytic and gametophytic genes.

Key words: Distorted segregation, Waxy gene, Indica-japonica hybrids

关键词: 异常分离, 糯性基因, 籼粳交杂种