Chinese Journal of Rice Science

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The Products of Genes Resistant to Rice Blast by Using Some Pairs of Near-Isogenic Lines

Huang Danian; Yang Wei; Wang Jinxia; Fan Zaifeng; Zou Qin; He Zuhua; Shen Zongtan   

  • Received:1900-01-01 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:1992-06-05 Published:1992-06-05


黄大年1; 杨 炜 1;王垒霞1; 范在丰1; 邹 勤1;何祖华2;申宗坦2   

  1. 1 中国水稻研究所,杭州310006;2 浙江农业大学,杭州310029

Abstract: With classical genetical methods. we have constructed several sets of near-isogenic lines, which are very similar in their genetic background except in resistant/susceptible genes to rice blast. The patterns of PAGE and IEF gel of isoperoxidase as well as 2-D electrophoresis for each pair of near-isogenic lines showed that both were highly bomogeneity. The results of 2-D electrophoresis of protein from near-isogenic pairs without the inoculation of blast pathogen indicated that the generation of blast disease in rice plants may have a close association with some of its protein subunits in the region of pI 7.5-8.5 and MW 30-45kDa. Therefore, this region may be called as"pathogenesis-related region" (PR-region). It was considerable that the protein variation of the plants at 5 days after inoculation also appeared in this region.

Key words: Two-demensional electrophoresis, Near-isogenic pairs, Pathogenesis--related protein, Pyricularia oryzae

摘要: 应用经典遗传学方法构建了多个只有抗感基因之差,其他遗传背景相似的抗稻瘟病近等基因对, 它们的形态性状比较和过氧化物酶同工酶、过氧化物酶等电聚焦电泳带模式以及蛋白质双向电泳的图谱模式都说明每一组近等基因对有很高的同质程度,近等基因对不接种病原菌的双向电泳图谱中,pI 7.5~8.5, 分子量30~45 kDa区域的蛋白质亚基和稻瘟病的发生发展关系甚密,称该区为稻瘟病有关的蛋白质特异区,接种病原菌5 d后,近等基因对的双向电泳图谱中,蛋白质亚基变化同样发生在该特异区内。

关键词: 近等基因对, 稻瘟病, 基因, 水稻