Chinese Journal of Rice Science

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The Mineral Nutrient Component and Characteristics of Color and White Brown Rice

Qiu Lingcang; Pan Jun; Duan Binwu   

  • Received:1900-01-01 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:1993-04-10 Published:1993-04-10


裘凌沧;潘 军;段彬伍   

  1. 中国水稻研究所,杭州310006

Abstract: Eighteen elements of 252 unpolished rice samples which harvested from CNRRI experiment farm with the same ecological condition were analysed by ICP-AES method, and elements content and 12 elements nutrient supply demend rate (NSD) of color rice (33 red and 9 purple or black) were compared with 210 white rice. Results showed that either absolute element content of unpolished rice or NSD% polished rice can not reflect the real nutritive characteristics between color rice and white rice. Because people eat unpolished color rice and polished white rice. NSD comparison of unpolished color rice with polished white rice showed that Ba and V in color rice were lower than these in polished white rice, no difference in Sr, but other elements NSD were significantly higher. Within color rices, Mg, Ca, Ba, V and Fe of red rice were higher than purple rice. Thus, we must put more attention on the edible part of rice element and its bioavailability.

Key words: Color rice, ICP- AES, Mineral nutrients, Nutrient supply and demand rate(NSD)

摘要: 用等离子体发射光谱仪(ICP-AES)分析了在同地繁殖的国内外252份水稻品种糙米中的N、P、 K、 S、Mg、Ca、Mn、 Fe、 Na、Al、Cu、B、 Ba、Mo、Sr、 V、 Eu 18种无机元素,比较了其中有色米(33份红米、9份紫米)与白米(210份)间的18种元素含量和12个无机元素的养分供需率的差异。结果表明:如按糙米元素含量或精米元素养分供需率比较,不能如实反映其营养特征。因有色米食用是包括种皮的糙米而精白米是去糙的精米,用有色糙米与精白米的元素养分供需率此较则12个元素中除Ba、 V仍低于精白米,Sr无显著差异外,其它元素均高于精白米。有色米中红米的Mg、Ca 、Ba、V和Fe高于紫米。所以在评估大米元素营养价值时要注意其食用部分及其可利用性。

关键词: 有色米, 白米, 矿物质, 营养, 养分供需率