Chinese Journal of Rice Science

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Analysis on the Combining Ability of Main Agronomic Traits of Indica Double-functional Genic Male-sterile Lines

Gong Guangming; Zhou Guofeng; Yin Chuqiu; Sheng Xiaobang   

  • Received:1900-01-01 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:1993-07-10 Published:1993-07-10


龚光明1;周国锋1;尹楚球1; 盛孝邦2   

  1. 1 湖南省益阳地区农科所,益阳413046;2 湖南农学院,长沙410128

Abstract: Six indica double-functional genie male-sterile lines and 6 early or middle maturing varieties and wide compatibility strains were used to make 36 F1 hybrids following incomplele diallel crosses. These hybrids were evaluated under the same conditions. The heterosis and combining ability of 9 main agronomic traits were analysed. There were significant differences in combining abilities among the genic male-sterile lines and positive correlation(significant at 0.01 level) between the value of GCA and standard heterosis of hybrids. The higher GCA in parents, the stronger standard heterosis of hybrids. It should be difficult to use the genic male-sterile line with lower GCA in hybrid production even though they have higher SCA. 3130S and Hengnong S-1 were the best general combiners. Authors agreed that GCA of genic male-sterile lines were concerned with their relatives. To use japonica/indica or cultural rice/wild rice may be an efficient method for selecting double-functional genic male-sterile lines with higher combining ability.

Key words: Agronomic traits, Combining ability, Heterosis, Indica double-functional genic male-sterile lines

摘要: 选用5种不同来源的6个籼型两用核不育系与6个早、中籼及广亲和品种以不完全双列杂交方式组配成36个组台,此较分析了6个不育系的株高、穗长、每穗粒数、每穗实粒数、结实率、千粒重、单株穗数、单株产量及生育期9个主要农艺性状的一般配台 和特殊配合力效应以及F1优势表现。 结果表明,不育系之间的一般配台力差异很大,且与所配对应组合的F1竞争优势呈极显著相关,不 育系的一般配合力高,其 所配组合的优势也强。 一般配合力较差的不育系所配组合即使有较高的特殊配合力效应,也难有实际应用价值。3130S和衡农S-1具有较高的一般配合力效应值。作者认为不育系的配合力与其亲缘有关,采用粳籼交或栽野交可能是选育高配合力两用核不育系的有效途径。

关键词: 籼稻, 不育系, 农艺性状, 配合力, 杂种优势, 两用核不育系