Chinese Journal of Rice Science

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The Comparative Studies on Biological Characteristics between Five Indica-Japonica Hybrids and Their Parents

Lu Chuangen; Gu Fulin; Lu Manli; Zou Jiangshi   

  • Received:1900-01-01 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:1993-10-10 Published:1993-10-10



  1. 江苏省农业科学院,南京210014

Abstract: The comparative studies on biological characteristics were carried out in 13.3 m2 colony between five indiea-japonica hybrids and its parents. Comparison with the average of its parent, those hybrids showed: significant heterosis over by 13.96%-84.26% in the grain yield, sink capacity over by 27.68%-71.15% because of its more spikelets per panicle, biomass over by 11.79%-41.27% based on its high crop growth rate that caused by leaf area index and leaf area day, and no heterosis in harvest index. The high and stable seed set should be the main objective for cultivation and breeding of the indica-japonica hybrid.

Key words: Biological characteristics, Heterosis, Indica-japonica hybrid

摘要: 1990年和1991年 在13 3 m2 群体条件下,5个水稻籼梗杂种一代稻谷产量为7.61~ 10.61 t/hm2,具明显的杂种优势,超中亲值13.96%~84.26%。 籼粳杂种在生物学特性上主要表现为:由于每穗颖花大而使库容量超中亲值27.68% ~71.15%;叶面积指数大和叶面积延续时间长导致作物生长率较高,而使得生物学产量超中亲值11.79% ~41.27%;经济系数不表现优势。在栽培和育种上宜将高而稳的结实率作为高产主要目标,稳定经济系教,保持适宜群体叶面积。

关键词: 生物学, 杂种一代, 杂种优势, 水稻, 籼粳亚种间杂种