Chinese Journal of Rice Science

• 研究简报 • Previous Articles    

Chemical Restoration of Fertility of Genie Male-sterile Rice with Stable Sterility to Environmental Conditions

Xu Rensheng   

  • Received:1900-01-01 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:1995-10-10 Published:1995-10-10



  1. 中国水稻研究所植物生理系,杭州310006

Abstract: The male-sterile outcrossing progenies of IR36ms, the monogenic male-sterile rice line with stable sterility under various environmental conditions, have the same characteristics in male-sterile as IR36ms with whitish shrivelled anthers and no pollen. The anthers of the progenies of IR36ms, treated with the chemical restoration agent X No. 1 around the meiosis stage, changed to yellow and plumpness. The male-fertility were partially restored to different extent with the highest 50% fertile pollen. Some seeds from self-crossing of the rice were obtained.

Key words: fertility restoration, genic male-sterility, plant growth regulator

关键词: 核雄性不育, 育性恢复, 植物生长调节剂