Chinese Journal of Rice Science

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Optimal Regulation Technique in Soil Moisture at Paddy Field

Zhang Wei; Situ Song   

  • Received:1900-01-01 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:1995-10-10 Published:1995-10-10


张薇; 司徒淞   

  1. 中国水稻研究所农艺系,杭州310006

Abstract: Field experiments dealing with the effects of different measures of irrigation-drainage technique on regulating soil moisture and the growing status of rice were conducted during 1992. The results showed that in the same situation under the agricultural measure, the full utilization of the rainfall at late tillering stage with irrigation to make up a deep water could effectively control the number of tillers, increase the percentage of earbearing tillers and had good physiological effect on rice growing. No matter early rice and late rice, the rainfall efficiency is raised, so water-saving and high-yielding could be obtained.

Key words: irrigation regime, physiological effect, rainfall, soil moisture, tiller

摘要: 1992年进行了在水稻分蘖后期采用不同灌溉排水技术措施的试验,以研究其调节土壤水分状况及其对水稻生长发育的影响。试验结果表明,在农艺措施相同情况下,充分利用雨水蓄水灌深水,可以控制无效分蘖,提高成穗率,具有较好的生理效应。无论早、晚稻,降雨有效利用量均有所提高,从而获得节水增产之效。

关键词: 灌溉方式, 生理效应, 降雨, 土壤水分, 分蘖