Chinese Journal of Rice Science

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Protein-cell Interactions between Rice and Pyricularia oryzae in vitro (in English)

Tao Quanzhou; Isamu Yamaguchi   

  • Received:1900-01-01 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:1994-07-10 Published:1994-07-10


陶全洲1; 山口 勇2   

  1. 1 中国科学院上海生物化学研究所,上海200031;2 日本理化学研究所,日本琦玉县和光市351-1

Abstract: The proteins of rice and fungi which relate to primary attachment reaction in vitro between rice and Pyricularia oryzae were analysed by 2-D slabs. There are two proteins disappeared from the slabs,and other two emerged in it after mixed with spores or mycelia of P. oryzae. These proteins of rice may be responsible for incompatible or compatible reactions to the pathogens. On the other hand, the proteins of mycelia were found to induce cultured rice cell producing some proteins, but the proteins from spores were not. It imply that the specific incompatible and compatible reactions may take place at the stage that spores have developed into mycelia. The experiment shows a simple technique only to identify some proteins which may involve in reaction between plant and pathogen in vitro. The results we presented here are for more discussions and arguments as there are many outstanding questions need to be studied further.

Key words: Recognition protein, Plant-microbe interaction, Oryzae sativa, Pyricularia oryzae

摘要: 在离体条件下,用蛋白质双向电泳技术分析水稻与稻瘟病菌在接触反应开始阶段的蛋白质变化情况,以寻找参与寄主与病原菌相互作用的蛋白质分子,结果表明在两个蛋白质与孢子或菌丝体混合后从电泳胶上消失,同时了出现了另外两个蛋白质,还没确定两个消失的蛋白质是被菌体细胞所吸附,还是由于被修饰而导致电泳行为改变。上述蛋白质在抗病和感病水稻品种中都存在,是组成型的,推测它们可能参与寄主与病原菌的接触反应,另外还发现,当悬浮培养的水稻细胞与稻瘟病菌的菌丝体蛋白质接触后会产生一些新的蛋白质分子,但孢子蛋白无此作用。由此推测水稻与稻瘟病菌的特异识别反应可能发生在孢子萌发之后和菌丝体阶段,以上结果在亲和与非亲和体系中相同。文中对此现象提出了初步解释,还介绍了一个在离体条件下研究寄主与病原菌的蛋白质-细胞相互作用的简单方法。

关键词: 蛋白质, 水稻, 稻瘟病, 细胞, 植物-微生物相互作用