Chinese Journal of Rice Science

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Differences of Carotenoid in Leaves among Rice Varieties Suffered Photooxidation

Fu Chunxia; Liu Xia; Shao Hongyu; Tan Xiuyun; Zou Qi   

  • Received:1900-01-01 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:1994-07-10 Published:1994-07-10


傅春霞1; 刘 震2;邵红宁1;谭秀云1;邹 琦3   

  1. 1 江苏省农业科学院,南京210014;2 南京野生植物综合利用研究所,南京210037;3 山东农业大学,泰安271018

Abstract: Effect of light on carotenoid components and its differences among rice varieties were studied with rice leaves. Results showed 14 components with different colours and unique absorption spectra were separated from carotenoid in rice leaves by TLC method, and there existed differences among crops and their leaves according to their age. Band No. 8 could be turned to yellow from green with illuminating and its maximum absorptive peak moved toward the long wave because of violaxanthin turning into zeaxanthin. There were also differences of components degradation in eight indica rice varieties with different photoinhibition sensitivities under low lemperature and high light for 15 days. The absorptive peak of zeaxanthin in non-sensitive varieties increased 43.3% compared with the sensitive ones. This proved that the degree of photoinhibition sensitivity were associated with the transient amount of zeaxanthin formed in the leaves during treatment.

Key words: Carotenoid, Photooxidation, Violaxanthin, Zeaxanthin, Variety, Rice

摘要: 以水稻叶片为材料,研究了光对类胡萝卜素组分的曩及其在受光氧化的水稻品种间的差异,结果表明,用薄层层析法可从水稻叶片中分离出各自具有不同颜色和独特吸收光谱的14个组分,不同作物和不同叶龄叶片的类胡萝卜素组分有差异,照光可使第8条带由绿转黄,其最大吸收峰移向长波方向,这是由于紫黄质向玉米黄质转变的结果,对光抑制敏感性不同的8个籼稻品种在低温、强光下培育15 d,表现类胡萝卜素组分降解不一样,不敏感品种的玉米黄质吸收峰值比敏感品种高出43.3%。这说明对光抑制的敏感性大小与处理期间叶片内玉米黄质形成的量有关。

关键词: 类胡萝卜素, 光氧化, 水稻, 品种, 紫黄质, 玉米黄质