Chinese Journal of Rice Science

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Breeding Near-isogenic Lines of Morphological Markers in indica Rice

Dong Fenggao; Xiong Zhenmin; Qian Qian; Zhu Xudong; Cheng Shihua   

  • Received:1900-01-01 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:1994-07-10 Published:1994-07-10


董凤高;熊振民;钱 前;朱旭东;程式华   

  1. 中国水稻研究所,杭州310006

Abstract: Twenty-seven morphological marker genes on 12 chromosomes were introduced into indica rice by 3-4 baekcrosses with an early season indica rice Zhefu 802 as recurrent parent, and 27 near-isogenic lines with marker genes were obtained. Agronomic characters of the near-isogenic lines were similar to the recurrent parent excepting to the marker ones.

Key words: Agronomic character, Indica rice, Marker gene, Near-isogenic line

摘要: 选用涉及水稻全部12染色体的,表现简单遗传且易于通过且易于通过目测识别鉴定的形态标记材料27份,以早籼品种浙辐802为轮回亲本,通过3-4次回交,转育成了一套籼型标记性状近等基因系,该套材料除所标记性状外,生育期,株高,分蘖力和穗子大小等农艺性状与轮回亲本基本相仿。

关键词: 籼稻, 标记性状, 近等基因系