Chinese Journal of Rice Science

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Phytic Acid Content in Different Parts of Grain and Its Correlation with Rice Quality Traits

WANG Hui1,2, LI Maobai1, ZHANG Jianming1, SHI Yingyao2, LEE Jung Ro3, PIAO Zhongze1, 2,*   

  1. 1 Crop Breeding and Cultivation Research Institute, Shanghai Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Shanghai 201106; 2 Department of Agronomy, Anhui Agricultural University, Hefei 230036, China; 3 National Institute of Agricultural Biotechnology, Rural Development Administration, Suwon 441707, Korea; *Corresponding author, E-mail:
  • Received:1900-01-01 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:2009-03-10 Published:2009-03-10


王 慧1,2,李茂柏1, 张建明1,石英尧2,李丁鲁3,朴钟泽1,2,*   

  1. 1上海市农业科学院 作物育种栽培研究所, 上海 201106; 2安徽农业大学 农学院, 安徽 合肥 230036; 3韩国农村振兴厅 农业生命工学研究院, 韩国 水原 441707;*通讯联系人, E-mail:

Abstract: Phytic acid content in different parts of grain and rice quality traits were analyzed using thirteen different types of rice. The average phytic acid contents in rice bran, brown rice, glume, and milled rice were 48.51, 9.77, 140 and 0.91 mg/g, respectively. Phytic acid content in different parts of grain for different types of rice had a significant difference. The order of the phytic acid accumulation was as follows: rice bran>milled rice>glume. The phytic acid content in rice bran had a significantly positive correlation with those in brown rice and glume. The phytic acid contents in brown rice and rice bran both had a significantly negative correlation with the protein content in rice, and a significantly positive correlation with the 1000grain weight.

Key words: rice, phytic acid content, rice quality

摘要: 选用13个不同类型的水稻品种,对其籽粒不同部位植酸含量品种间差异及与稻米主要品质性状间的相关性进行了分析。结果表明,供试13个水稻品种米糠、糙米、颖壳、精米的植酸含量平均值分别为48.51、9.77、1.40和0.91 mg/g,而且不同水稻品种间籽粒不同部位的植酸含量存在极显著差异。在籽粒中,米糠中植酸积累最多,其次是精米,颖壳最少。米糠中植酸含量与糙米和颖壳中植酸含量呈极显著正相关。糙米和米糠中植酸含量与稻米蛋白质含量均呈显著的负相关,与千粒重均呈显著正相关。

关键词: 水稻, 植酸含量, 稻米品质