Chinese Journal of Rice Science

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Genetic Mechanism of the Dominant Earliness in Kefeng A, a New Cytoplasmic Male Sterile Line in Rice

XIAO Yu long1, YU Chuan yuan1,*, LEI Jian guo1, LI Mazhong1, JIANG Ling2, WAN Jian min2   

  1. 1 Rice Research Institute, Jiangxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Nanchang 330200, China; 2 State Key Laboratory for Crop Genetics and Germplasm Enhancement, Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing 210095, China; *Corresponding author, E-mail:
  • Received:1900-01-01 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:2009-05-10 Published:2009-05-10


肖宇龙1, 余传元1,*, 雷建国1, 李马忠1, 江 玲2, 万建民2   

  1. 1江西省农业科学院 水稻研究所, 江西 南昌 330200; 2南京农业大学 作物遗传与种质创新国家重点实验室, 江苏 南京 210095;*通讯联系人,

Abstract: Kefeng A is an early maturing cytoplasmic male sterile line of indica rice. Hybrids derived from Kefeng A and late maturity indica restorer lines showed dominant earliness. To understand the genetic basis of dominant earliness, genotype of photoperiod sensitivity genes in Kefeng A was analyzed using a set of heading time near isogenic lines EG0 to EG7, ER, LR, T65, T65Eb, T65Ebm, T65m, NIL(Hd1) and NIL(Hd4). Results indicated that the genotype of photoperiod sensitivity genes for heading time in Kefeng A was E1E1e2e2E3E3Se1uSe1uEf1Ef1. Based on the detected heading time genotype, in combination with the heading time of Kefeng A and the early maturing phenomenon in its F1 hybrids, it was speculated that Kefeng A carries a dominant inhibitor gene for the dominant photoperiod sensitive gene E1, putatively designated SuE1, and a recessive inhibitor gene for another dominant photoperiod sensitive gene Se1, namely iSe1. The reason why F1 hybrids derived from Kefeng A exhibited earliness was analyzed and the breeding value of dominant earliness related genes in Kefeng A was discussed.

Key words: Key words: dominant earliness, heading time, genotype, genetic

摘要: 籼型细胞质雄性不育系科丰A表现出早熟性,该不育系与晚籼恢复系所配组的F1都呈现不同程度的显性早熟现象。为了解该不育系显性早熟性的遗传机制,利用一整套抽穗期感光基因近等基因系EG0~EG7、ER、LR、T65、T65Eb、T65Ebm、T65m、NIL(Hd1) 和NIL(Hd4) 等对科丰A抽穗期感光基因的基因型进行了初步分析。结果表明,科丰A的抽穗期基因型为E1E1e2e2E3E3Se1uSe1uEf1Ef1,并带有感光基因E1的显性抑制基因(暂定名为SuE1)和感光基因Se1u的隐性抑制基因(iSe1)。分析了由该不育系配组的杂种F1表现早熟现象的原因,并探讨了科丰A所带早熟相关基因的育种利用价值。

关键词: 早熟显性, 抽穗期, 基因型, 遗传机制