Chinese Journal of Rice Science

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Transformation of ICE1 Gene Mediated by Agrobacterium Improves Cold Tolerance in Transgenic Rice

XIANG Dian-jun , ZHANG Yu , YIN Kui-de   

  • Received:1900-01-01 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:2007-09-10 Published:2007-09-10
  • Contact: YIN Kui-de



  1. 1黑龙江八一农垦大学 生命科学学院, 黑龙江 大庆 163319; 2黑龙江农业经济职业学院, 黑龙江 牡丹江 157032; *通讯联系人, E-mail:

Abstract: An Arabidopsis thaliana transcriptional factor gene ICE1 cloned by RT-PCR was successfully transferred into rice variety Kenjiandao 10 by Agrobacterium-mediated transgenic technique.PCR amplification and Southern blot analysis indicated that ICE1 had been integrated into rice genome.Compared with non-transgenic plants,transgenic lines exhibited high resistance to hygromycin B and inherited in Mendelian single-copy.Under the same low temperature stress conditions,transgenic plants had lower mortality rate and higher increasing range of proline contents compared with non-transgenic plants,suggesting that cold tolerance of transgenic rice plants with ICE1 gene was improved.

Key words: ICE1 gene, rice, genetic transformation, Agrobacterium-mediated method, cold tolerance, proline content

摘要: 利用农杆菌介导的转基因技术,成功地将通过RTPCR克隆的拟南芥ICE1基因导入垦鉴稻10号中,经PCR和Southern检测确认目的基因已整合到水稻基因组中。潮霉素抗性测定结果表明,与未转基因水稻相比,T1代表现出对潮霉素较高的抗性和孟德尔式的单位点遗传。抗寒能力检测结果表明,在同等低温胁迫条件下T1代转基因株系的死亡率明显低于未转基因对照。脯氨酸含量增幅明显高于未转基因对照。上述结果表明,转ICE1水稻提高了抗寒能力。

关键词: ICE1基因, 水稻, 遗传转化, 农杆菌介导, 耐寒性, 脯氨酸含量