Chinese Journal of Rice Science

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Effects of Interplanting with Zero Tillage and Wheat Straw Manuring on Rice Growth and Grain Quality

LIU Shi-ping, NIE Xin-tao, DAI Qi-gen, HUO Zhong-yang, XU Ke   

  • Received:1900-01-01 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:2007-01-10 Published:2007-01-10



  1. 扬州大学 江苏省作物遗传生理重点实验室, 江苏 扬州 225009

Abstract: Effects of interplanting with zero tillage and wheat straw manuring(ZIS) on rice growth and grain quality were studied in a wheat-rice cropping system. Results showed that ZIS reduced the plant height,leaf area per tiller and the biomass of rice, but the biomass accumulation of rice at the late stage was quicker than that under the transplanting cultivation. In the first year, the grain yield was the highest in ZIS, and the yield in transplanting with plowing and wheat straw manuring was higher than that without straw manuring. However, grain yield decreased in interplanting with zero tillage in the second year. Compared with other treatments with the similar number of panicles per unit area, the number of filled grains per panicle was the lowest but 1000-grain weight was the highest in interplanting with zero tillage, which was the main factor to higher yield. Interplanting with zero tillage improved the milling and appearance grain quality of rice. The rates of brown, milled and head rice increased while chalky rice rate and chalkiness decreased in interplanting with zero tillage. Transplanting with plowing and straw manuring also increased the head rice rate and slightly reduced the chalky rice rate and chalkiness. The cooking quality of rice in ZIS was improved due to the increase of protein, decline of amylose content and increase of gel consistency, while transplanting with straw manuring increased both the protein and amylose contents and decreased the gel consistency, which resulted in the decline of cooked rice quality.

Key words: rice, zero tillage and interplanting, straw manuring, yield, grain quality, conservation tillage

摘要: 在稻麦两熟条件下,研究了麦田免耕套种水稻与秸秆还田对水稻生长和稻米品质的影响。与移栽稻相比,免耕套种水稻株高较低,单茎叶面积略小,生物量低,但生育后期干物质累积量增加迅速。第1年免耕套种秸秆还田的产量最高,翻耕移栽秸秆还田的产量略高于移栽秸秆不还田的产量,但随着连续免耕时间的延长,第2年免耕套种的产量降低。在单位面积穗数相差不大的情况下,免耕套种水稻每穗实粒数较少,千粒重较高,套种水稻可获得较高产量。水稻免耕套种可明显改善稻米的加工品质和外观品质,提高出糙率、精米率和整精米率,降低垩白率和垩白度。翻耕移栽秸秆还田也能提高整精米率,降低垩白率和垩白度。水稻免耕套种和秸秆还田可提高稻米蛋白质含量,降低直链淀粉含量,使胶稠度变软,稻米品质变优;而水稻移栽秸秆还田条件下蛋白质含量提高,直链淀粉含量略增,胶稠度变硬,食味品质有变劣的趋势。

关键词: 水稻, 免耕套种, 秸秆还田, 产量, 品质, 保护性耕作