Chinese Journal of Rice Science

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Microsatellite Marker Analysis on Genetic Diversity of Main Rice Varieties in Zhejiang Province, China

CHENG Ben-yi1, WU Wei2,*, XIA Jun-hui1, LIU Xin2, YANG Shi-hua1   

  1. 1China National Rice Research Institute, Hangzhou 310006, China; 2Zhejiang Provincial Seed Management Station, Hangzhou 310020, China; *Corresponding author, E-mail:
  • Received:1900-01-01 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:2009-09-10 Published:2009-09-10


程本义1,吴 伟2, *,夏俊辉1,刘 鑫2,杨仕华1   

  1. 1中国水稻研究所, 浙江 杭州 310006; 2浙江省种子管理总站, 浙江 杭州 310020; *通讯联系人, E-mail:

Abstract: Fortyfour conventional rice varieties and 54 hybrid rice combinations in Zhejiang Province, China were assayed with a set of 12 microsatellite markers. A total of 68 alleles and 127 fingerprints from all tested materials were detected. The values of the frequency of polymorphism ranged from 0.567 to 0.905 with an average of 0.752. The conventional rice varieties and hybrid rice combinations both had obviously genetic difference among subspecies, but had less genetic difference within subspecies. The genetic diversity of indica type was higher than that of japonica type. The average genetic similarity coefficients within conventional indica, japonica and between indica and japonica rice varieties were 0.672, 0.711 and 0.103, respectively. The average genetic similarity coefficient within indica, japonica, and between indica and japonica hybrid rice combinations were 0.636, 0.669 and 0.343, respectively. Cluster analysis results showed that the conventional rice varieties and hybrid rice combinations were classified into 6 and 7 groups, respectively. Most of varieties or combinations with same type gathered into same group.

Key words: conventional rice, hybrid rice, microsatellite marker, genetic diversity

摘要: 利用12个DNA微卫星标记分析了浙江省近年来主要的44个常规水稻品种和54个杂交水稻组合,共检测到等位基因68个,每个标记2~10个;带型数共127种,每个标记3~18种;平均多态性频率0.752,变幅为0.567~0905。常规品种和杂交组合均表现为亚种间遗传差异明显、亚种内遗传差异较小,籼型遗传多样性高于粳型。平均遗传相似系数,常规品种籼型为0.672,粳型为0.711,籼粳间为0.103,杂交组合籼型为0.636,粳型为0.669,籼粳间为0.343。聚类分析显示,以遗传相似系数0.618为阈值将常规品种分成6类,以0.601为阈值将杂交组合分成7类,且多数同类型品种或组合聚为同一类。

关键词: 常规水稻, 杂交水稻, 微卫星标记, 遗传多样性