Chinese Journal of Rice Science

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A Preliminary Study on the Application Value of Threeway Cross Hybrid Between Upland and Lowland Rice

ZHANG Anning1, WANG Feiming1, YU Xinqiao1, LI Mingshou1, LIANG Wenbing1, MEI Hanwei1 , LUO Lijun1,2,*   

  1. 1 Shanghai Agrobiological Gene Center, Shanghai 201106, China; 2 College of Plant Science and Technology, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan 430070, China;*Corresponding author, E-mail:
  • Received:1900-01-01 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:2009-05-10 Published:2009-05-10


张安宁1, 王飞名1, 余新桥1, 李明寿1, 梁文兵1, 梅捍卫1, 罗利军1,2,*   

  1. 1上海市农业生物基因中心, 上海 201106; 2华中农业大学 植物科学技术学院, 湖北 武汉 430070; *通讯联系人, E-mail:

Abstract: ZZA(lowland rice CMS line),Huhan 1B (upland rice maintainer line) and Hanhui 3 (upland rice restorer line) were selected to make a threeway cross hybrid (ZZA/Huhan 1B//Hanhui 3, namely TCH) and two single cross hybrids (ZZA/Hanhui 3 as CK1 and Huhan 1A/Hanhui 3 as CK2). Their major agronomic traits, yield and its components, drought resistance and rice grain quality were investigated. The variation coefficient of TCH was similar to CKs in plant height, chlorophyll content, panicle length, and so on. The heading duration of TCH population was longer than those of CKs. The yield potential of TCH was higher than those of CKs, increasing by 17.33% and 25.63% in 2006, 357% and 11.71% in 2007, respectively. TCH showed stronger drought resistance(the drought resistance coefficient was 51.21%) superior to CKs and parents. There was no significant difference on rice grain quality between TCH and CKs. TCH had larger genetic diversity, indicating the promising application in rice breeding and production.

Key words: threeway cross hybrid, single cross hybrid, hybrid between upland and lowland rice, upland rice, drought resistance

摘要: 以水稻野败不育系ZZA、旱稻野败不育系保持系沪旱1B和旱稻恢复系旱恢3号配制的一个水旱稻三交种(ZZA/沪旱1B//旱恢3号)和两个相应的单交种(ZZA/旱恢3号和沪旱1A/旱恢3号)为材料,进行田间性状调查,测定产量、抗旱性和稻米品质等指标。结果表明,三交种株高、叶绿素含量、穗长等性状与单交种的变异系数差异不显著,但群体抽穗历期延长;产量明显高于单交种,2006年比两单交种分别增产17.33%和25.63%,2007年比两单交种分别增产357%和11.71%;抗旱性增强,抗旱系数达51.21%,高于两单交种和亲本;主要稻米品质指标与两单交种差异不大。结果表明,水旱稻三交种可以拓展杂交稻的遗传基础,具有一定的应用价值。

关键词: 三交种, 单交种, 水旱稻杂交, 旱稻, 抗旱性