Chinese Journal of Rice Science

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Combining Ability and Stability Analysis of the Content of Trace Elements Fe,Zn and Mn in Special Rice Grains

Zhang Mingwei; Peng Zhongming; Du Yingqiong   

  • Received:1900-01-01 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:1996-10-10 Published:1996-10-10


张名位 1;彭仲明 2;杜应琼 1   

  1. 1 广东省农业科学院生物技术研究所,广州510640; 2 华中农业大学农学系,武汉430070

Abstract: The combining ability and stability parameters were studied through a 7×7 diallel cross among seven special rice varieties with different Fe, Zn and Mn content. The results showed that the general combining ability (GCA) and specific combining ability (SCA) variances are highly significant for the 3 elements, in which the SCA variance is larger than GCA one for Fe content but smaller than GCA one for Zn and Mn content. It is therefore inferred that the non-additive gene effect is more important for Fe content while the additive gene effect is more important for Zn and Mn content. In addition, GCA effect varied greatly with different elements and parents just as the SCA effect in different crosses, where cross between parents with high GCA effect is more likely to have high SCA effect. The CV analysis involving different years and areas further reveal that the content of three elements is influenced by environment and genotype×environment interaction apart from the genetic effect. ReplaceFont('ChDivSummary','以米粒中微量元素铁、锌、锰含量各具差异的7个特种稻品种配制完全双列杂交,利用Griffing方法1模型Ⅰ分析3种微量元素含量的配合力;利用变异系数分析法研究7个亲本在不同地点、不同年份间微量元素含量的稳定性。结果表明,铁、锌、锰3种微量元素的一般配合力(GCA)方差和特殊配合力(SCA)方差均达极显著水平,其中铁含量的SCA方差大于GCA方差,锌、锰含量GCA方差大于SCA方差,说明这3种元素同时受加性和非加性基因作用,铁含量以非加性效应为主,锌和锰含量则以加性效应为主。同一亲本3种元素间GCA效应差异较大,同一元素不同亲本间差异亦较大;同一元素不同组合间SCA表现较大变幅,并有GCA效应高的亲本其杂交组合的SCA效应多数表现较高的趋势,但亦有GCA低的亲本间杂交出现SCA高的组合。变异系数分析结果显示,7个亲本在不同年份、不同地点间,各元素含量的差异较大,表明稻米中铁、锌、锰含量除受遗传控制外,还明显受环境条件的影响,并表现基因型×环境互作。');ReplaceFont('EnDivSummary','The combining ability and stability parameters were studied through a 7 ×7 diallel cross among seven special rice varieties with different Fe, Zn and Mn content. The results showed that the general combining ability (GCA) and specific combining ability (SCA) variances are highly significant for the 3 elements, in which the SCA variance is larger than GCA one for Fe content but smaller than GCA one for Zn and Mn content. It is therefore inferred that the non-additive gene effect is more important for Fe content while the additive gene effect is more important for Zn and Mn content. In addition, GCA effect varied greatly with different elements and parents just as the SCA effect in different crosses, where cross between parents with high GCA effect is more likely to have high SCA effect. The CV analysis involving different years and areas further reveal that the content of three elements is influenced by environment and genotype×environment interaction apart from the genetic effect.');if(document.getElementById('ChDivSummary') != null && document.getElementById('ChDivSummary').innerHTML!=""){CutSpan('ChDivSummary',500);DisplaySpanDiv('ChDivSummary');ClearSummaryOnLoad('SummaryLinkChID','SummaryLinkEnID');} if(document.getElementById('EnDivSummary') != null && document.getElementById('EnDivSummary').innerHTML!=""){CutSpan('EnDivSummary',1000);DisplaySpanDiv('EnDivSummary');ClearSummaryOnLoad('SummaryLinkEnID','SummaryLinkChID');}ReplaceChar1('ChDivSummary');ReplaceChar('ChDivSummary');ReplaceChar1('EnDivSummary');ReplaceChar('EnDivSummary');

Key words: combining ability, content of trace elements, diallel cross, special rice grain, stability

摘要: 以米粒中微量元素铁、锌、锰含量各具差异的7个特种稻品种配制完全双列杂交,利用Griffing方法1模型I分析3种微量元素含量的配合力;利用变异系数分析法研究7个亲本在不同地点、不同年份间微量元素含量的稳定性。结果表明,铁、锌、锰3种微量元素的一般配合力(GCA)方差和特殊配合力(SCA)方差均达极显著水平,其中铁含量的SCA方差大于GCA方差,锌、锰含量GCA方差大于SCA方差,说明这3种元素同时受加性和非加性基因作用,铁含量以非加性效应为主,锌和锰含量则以加性效应为主。同一亲本3种元素间GCA效应差异较大,同一元素不同亲本间差异亦较大;同一元素不同组合间SCA表现较大变幅,并有GCA效应高的亲本其杂交组合的SCA效应多数表现较高的趋势,但亦有GCA低的亲本间杂交出现SCA高的组合。变异系数分析结果显示,7个亲本在不同年份、不同地点间,各元素含量的差异较大,表明稻米中铁、锌、锰含量除受遗传控制外,还明显受环境条件的影响,并表现基因型×环境互作。

关键词: 特种稻米, 双列杂交, 微量元素含量, 配合力, 稳定性