Chinese Journal of Rice Science

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Current Status and Prospects of Research on Intersubspecific (Indica-Japonica) Hybrid Rice (in English)

Tao Ailin; Zhou Wenhua   

  • Received:1900-01-01 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:1997-04-10 Published:1997-04-10



  1. 湖北省农业科学院粮食作物研究所, 武汉 430064

Abstract: The current status of researches on intersubspecific (indica-japonica) hybrid rice in the past few years was reviewed. This paper suggests that solving the problem of low seed set of F1 depends on transfering of wide compatibility (W. C. ) genes to the parents of two-line or three-line so as to breed up W. C. sterile lines or restorer lines. Meanwhile, good W. C. parents will improve the plumpness of the grains of F1. collecting the parents with light photosensitivity may solve the problem of the maturation period transgression, which is helpful to solve the problem of plant height transgression. Ideotype breeding, which includes transfering of allelic semidwarf genes, selecting of the parents with good plant type and balanced relationship of source-flow-sink and with good rice quality and similar grain shape, will make the plant height amenable, improve the plumpness of the grains of F,, and weaken the phenomena of the segregation of rice quality. All the above will help intersubspecific hybrid rice transmit from experimental to commercial planting.

Key words: ideotype breeding, intersubspecific hybrid rice, photosensitivity, wide compatibility

摘要: 对近几年两系法和三系法亚种间杂交稻的研究现状进行了综述,展望了亚种间杂交稻发展的光辉前景。文章认为,F1低结实率问题的解决有赖于向两系或三系亲本导入广亲和基因,育成广亲和恢复系或广亲和不育系;同时,选择合适的广亲和亲本,可以大大提高亚种间组合的籽粒充实度;选择弱感光性的亲本,可以解决生育期超亲问题,进而有助于植株偏高问题的解决;理想株形育种在等位半矮秆基因的导入,对亲本株形及源流库特性等的选择,及对米质均优、粒形相近亲本的选择等问题上的具体运作,可致F1株高适中,籽粒充实度提高,米质分离现象减弱。遗传、育种、生理、生化、栽培等学科的协作攻关,将推动亚种间杂交稻由试验向生产更大规模的转化。

关键词: 籼粳亚种间杂交稻, 广亲和性, 感光性, 理想株形育种