Chinese Journal of Rice Science

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The Relationship between Phytase Activity in Rice Seed and Germination (in English)

Wen Tieqiao; Song Guoqing; Zhou Yong; Zhang Yang   

  • Received:1900-01-01 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:1997-04-10 Published:1997-04-10


文铁桥;宋国清;周 勇;张 扬   

  1. 湖北大学生命科学系,武汉 430062

Abstract: Phytase activity in Oryza sativa L. (tested cvs: Huda 242, Bin 064, Qionggeng 2 and Minghui 63 ) with an optimum pH of 5. 8 was discovered from extracts of dormant and germinative seeds, phytase activity has a direct bearing on seed germination. When phytase is inhibited, the seeds do not sprout. The phytase is activated by calcium and inhibited by glucose. Phytic acid substantially inhibits seed bud, and phytase can remove this inhibition.

Key words: phytase, phytic acid, seed germination

摘要: 以水稻品种湖大242、丙064、琼粳-2、明恢63为材料研究了植酸酶活性与水稻种子萌发的关系。实验结果表明,植酸酶活性的表达启动了种子的萌发,该酶在所试水稻种子中反应最适pH 5.8,其酶活性可被钙离子所激活,被葡萄糖所抑制,种子中植酸的存在会抑制种子的萌发,一旦植酸酶活性增强,则能解除此种抑制。

关键词: 植酸酶, 植酸, 种子萌发