Chinese Journal of Rice Science

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The Diversity of Cytoplasmic Effects on Some Quantitative Traits in Hybrid Rice

Wang Wenming; Zhou Kaida; Wen Hongchan; Zheng Jiakui; Zhu Yongchuan; Yuan Guoliang; Wan Xianqi   

  • Received:1900-01-01 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:1997-04-10 Published:1997-04-10


王文明 1;周开达 2;文宏灿 1;郑家奎 1;朱永川 1;袁国良 1;万先齐 1   

  1. 1 四川省农业科学院水稻高粱研究所,泸州 646100; 2 四川农业大学水稻研究所,温江 611130

Abstract: Analysis on the diverse effects of cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) was carried out in a 9×8 uncomplete diallele cross including 3 series of isonuclear-allocytoplasmic lines under 3 kinds of CMS background, i. e. 9 CMS lines, and 8 restorer lines, with split-split plot design. The effects of different CMSs on one trait are diverse from each other, so are the effects of one CMS on different traits. Besides, the effect of CMS consists of one or more of four components, namely, the GCA of CMS, the special GCA of interaction in CMS-maintainer combination which can be fixed in a certain sterile line, the SCA of CMS-restorer interaction and the SCA of CMS-maintainer-restorer interaction. Effects on 1000-grain weight were revealed significantly different among W-cms, D-cms and Kcms with identical effects on the other traits. Accordingly, a sterile line with multiple-cytoplasm and multiple cytoplasmic hybrid rice could be raised and exploited in hybrid rice production.

Key words: cytoplasmic effect, cytoplasmic male sterility, diversity, hybrid rice, multiple-cytoplasmic hybrid rice

摘要: 用3套包含3种不同雄性不育细胞质的9个不育系,与8个恢复力具有明显差异的恢复系组成9×8不完全双列杂交,按再裂区设计分析了胞质效应。结果表明,胞质效应具有明显的多样性,它既表现为不同胞质对同一性状和同一胞质对不同性状的效应存在差异;也表现为胞质效应组成的多样性,即胞质效应由胞质的一般配合力、胞质与保持系结合的特殊的一般配合力、胞质与恢复系互作及胞质与保持系、恢复系二级互作的特殊配合力四个组分中的一个或多个组成。野败型、D型和K型三种胞质对杂种一代千粒重的效应包含上述四个组分;对穗总粒数的效应只含胞质与保持系、恢复系互作的特殊配合力;对其余各性状的效应无明显差异。提出选育类似于多系品种的多胞质杂交稻的设想。 

关键词: 杂交水稻, 细胞质雄性不育, 胞质效应, 多样性, 多胞质杂交稻