Chinese Journal of Rice Science

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Specific Protein from Germinating Rice Seed

Zhong Boxiong   

  • Received:1900-01-01 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:1996-07-10 Published:1996-07-10



  1. 浙江农业大学蚕学系,杭州 310029

Abstract: Protein extracted from embryos of rice by phosphate buffer and precipitated by TCA were used to study the protein differences in the dormant embryos and germinating embryos by the method of two-dimensional electrophoresis. It was discovered that three neutral proteins with relatively low molecular weights found in the dormant embryos were gradually disappeared in the germinating embryos. However, two new proteins with pI=7.15,MW=16kD and pI=3.00, MW=59kD, were found in the germinating embryos.

Key words: embryo, protein, seed germination , two-dimensional electrophoresis

摘要: 采用水稻品种日本晴为材料进行研究。所得结果表明,水稻种子的休眠胚及培养1~5 d的胚的蛋白质双向电泳,银染色得明显可分辨的斑点数在700个左右,等电点范围在3.0~9.0之间,大多在5.0~8.0之间,分子量在15~170 kD之间,大多在25~95 kD之间。种子培养1~3 d,未见胚萌发, 这时期胚芽的蛋白质种类与休眠胚芽的蛋白质种类无明显差异。种子培养4~5 d,胚开始萌发,这时期胚芽的蛋白质种类相互间也基本一致。胚萌发前后, 胚芽的蛋白质种类大体相同,仅仅是当胚萌发时,明显地可看到两个新形成的斑点,这两个斑点自培养第4天的胚中开始出现,随着培养期延长而逐渐明显,与此相反, 在胚未萌发时明显存在的3个蛋白质斑点,在萌发期逐渐变淡消失。这些蛋白质斑点的分子量及等电点分别约为:1号蛋白16 kD,7.15; 2 号蛋白59 kD,3.00;3号蛋白36 kD,6.10;4号蛋白35 kD,6.50;5号蛋白34 kD,6.25。在胚未萌发时大量存在,而萌发期逐渐消失的蛋白质4、5、6,其分子量都较小,等电点都处于中性位置,这些蛋白质可能是种子贮存蛋白,其作用是供种子萌发时用。萌发期新形成的两个蛋白质,1号是一个分子量小的中性蛋白质,2号是一个分子量较大的酸性蛋白质,由于两者是在萌发期出现,推测其与萌发有关。

关键词: 胚, 蛋白质, 种子萌发, 双向电泳