Chinese Journal of Rice Science

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The Indica/Japonica Classification of

Mei Hanwei; Li Zhikang; Wang Yiping; Yu Xinqiao; Zhong Daibin; Luo Lijun; Ying Cunshan   

  • Received:1900-01-01 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:1997-10-10 Published:1997-10-10


梅捍卫 1; 黎志康 2;王一平 1;余新桥 1;钟代彬 1;罗利军 1;应存山 1   

  1. 1 中国水稻研究所,中国杭州 310006; 2 美国德州农工大学,美国德州,TX77843-2474

Abstract: Segregation and recombination of six characteristics in 287 RIls of Lemont/Teqing were investigated using Cheng's indica/japonica rice classification index. The population has a continuous distribution of total value, a little inclining to japonica type. Most of the RIls were classified into intermediate type. The genetic compose according to 154 RFLP loci had a distribution with more extreme individuals, a little inclining to Teqing. There was a low correlation between the Cheng's total value and genetic compose. The distribution, recombination of different characters and the correlation between different characters and total value was also analyzed.

Key words: Cheng’s index, indica/japonica classification, population distribution, recombinated inbred lines, restriction fragment length polymorphism

摘要: 研究了287个“Lemont/特青”重组自交系的六个籼粳分类性状(程氏指数法)和154个RFLP 位点的遗传组成。群体的六性状总分呈连续分布,略偏向粳型, 该方法将把大部分株系分入籼粳中间类型。 遗传组成的分布略偏向特青并有更多的极端株系, 六性状总分和分子标记的相关不明显。还就单个性状的分布和性状间重组情况,以及不同性状间及其与总分间的相关关系进行了分析。

关键词: 重组自交系, 籼粳分类, 程氏指数法, 限制性片段长度多态性, 群体分布