Chinese Journal of Rice Science

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Effect of Rice Seedling Raising Conditions on Rice Seedling Growth

Zhang Yongtai; Wu Huai; Wang Zhong; Xiong Fei; Xie Yunfeng; Li Aimin   

  • Received:1900-01-01 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:1999-04-10 Published:1999-04-10


张永泰 1;吴怀 1;王 忠 2;熊 飞 2;谢云峰 1;李爱民 1   

  1. 1 江苏省里下河地区农业科学研究所,扬州225002; 2 扬州大学农学院,扬州 225009

Abstract: Physiological traits and morphological characters of rice seedling under different rice seedling raising conditions, and their effects on rice growth after transplanting were studied by using hybrid rice Shanyou 63. Compared with rice seedling under water raising conditions, rice seedlings under dry raising conditions were shorter and stronger, in which much starch was accumulated, catalase activity was stronger, and chlorophyll content was higher. Rice plants from dry raising seedlings grew roots quickly after transplanting and had more tillers and effective panicles, resulting in the higher yield of grains. Compared with normal dry raising seedlings, rice seedlings that under dry raising conditions at earlier stage and much watered and less lighted at the late stage showed lower starch content and catalase activity and the yield of grains had no significant difference with water raising seedlings.

Key words: microscopy, morphological character, physiological feature, rice, seedlings, seedling raising pattern

摘要: 以汕优63为材料,研究了不同育秧环境下秧苗生理和形态结构方面的差异及对本田生长的影响。旱育秧苗植株矮壮,体内积累的淀粉多,过氧化氢酶活性强,叶绿素含量高,抛植大田后发根快、分蘖多,具有明显的“爆发”优势,最终成穗率高,有效穗多,产量较高;湿润育秧的秧苗,秧田期生长量大,体内积累的淀粉少,抛植大田后发苗慢,缓苗期长,最终有效穗少,产量较低;前期旱育后期多雨寡照的秧苗体内积累的淀粉量及过氧化氢酶活性等均不及正常旱育秧,抛植大田后秧苗体的“爆发”优势丧失,产量与湿润育秧相仿。

关键词: 育秧方式, 秧苗, 生理特性, 形态结构, 显微观察, 水稻