Chinese Journal of Rice Science

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Incorporation of the Rice Blast Durable Resistance into Hybrid Rice

Zhou Shaochuan; Zhu Xiaoyuan; Jiang Yanfang; Yang Qiyun; Ke Wei; Miao Ruowei; Wu Shangzhong   

  • Received:1900-01-01 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:1999-04-10 Published:1999-04-10


周少川 1;朱小源 2;江雁芳 1; 杨祁云 2;柯 苇 1;缪若维 1;伍尚忠 1   

  1. 1 广东省农业科学院水稻研究所, 广州 510640;2 广东省农业科学院植物保护研究所, 广州 510640

Abstract: Hybrid rice combinations made by seven blast resistant cultivars including three durably resistant cultivars and four popular sterile lines were studied. The qualitative resistances, quantitative resistances and field resistances in different blast conductive areas were evaluated and compared with the resistant check IR36 and susceptible check Guanglu'ai 4 respectively. Results indicated that the combinations with durably resistant donor showed the same durably resistant characteristics as correspondently durably resistant cultivars. These results suggested that durable resistance to rice blast could be incorporated into hybrid rice.

Key words: breeding, durable resistance, hybrid rice

摘要: 选用稻瘟病抗源外选35及其衍生系统持久抗性品种三黄占2号、三芦占7号、梅三五2号及其衍生品种矮三芦占、七黄占2号、七袋占分别与野败型不育系博A、优ⅠA、Ⅱ优A、红莲型不育系广A配制共28个组合。以IR36为抗性对照,广陆矮4号为感病对照,对杂交组合及其不育系(保持系)和抗性品种进行了人工接种稻瘟病菌抗谱测定,数量抗性测定和不同病区田间异地同步抗性鉴定。抗性分析和比较结果表明:具持久抗性品种三黄占2号、三芦占7号配制的杂交组合表现了与持久抗性品种相同的表型特征,即表现较高的质量抗性和数量抗性, 较好的田间抗性。初步认为:三黄占2号和三芦占7号的持久抗性能导入三系杂交稻组合中。

关键词: 稻瘟病, 持久抗性, 杂交稻