Chinese Journal of Rice Science

• 研究简报 • Previous Articles    

Biological Diversity of Plants on Ridge of Paddy

Yu Liuqing; Lu Yongliang; M Nemoto; N Shimizu; Wang Mingyao; Xu Qing   

  • Received:1900-01-01 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:1999-10-10 Published:1999-10-10


余柳青1;陆永良1;根本正之2;清水矩宏2;王鸣遥3;徐 青1   

  1. 1中国水稻研究所, 浙江 杭州310006; 2日本农林水产省农业环境技术研究所, 日本筑波305;3浙江省安吉县农业局,浙江 安吉313300

Abstract: Plant species on ridge of paddy at Yushanwu where rice fields were irrigated with spotless water were more than at Chengbei where rice fields were irrigated with water polluted by industrial waste. In the same type of plant community, Yushanwu provided significantly higher total important value [ Iv(t) ] of plant species on ridge of paddy than Chengbei did. The index of biological diversity (H') between two villages were given with the similar trends. The various type of plant community showed the different data of biological diversity. Dominant community of short-stalked plants offered the great advantage of plant species number, Iv(t) and H' compared with the dominant community of high-stalked plants and dominant community of exotic plants. Attention must be paid to the control of an exotic plant Alternanthera philoxeroides, limit ofdominant community of high-stalked plants, as well as protection of dominant community of short-stalked plants.

Key words: ridge , paddy field , plant community, indexes , biological diversity

摘要: 在浙江安吉两个村对利用不同污染程度水源进行灌溉的稻田田埂植物进行了调查。利用未受工业污染的水灌溉的禹山坞稻田田埂植物种数高于受工业废水污染的城北村。在相同类型植物群落中, 禹山坞稻田田埂的植物种总重要值Iv(t)显著高于城北村,两村的田埂植物生物多样性指数也存在类似的变化趋势。不同类型植物群落的生物多样性参数差异极为显著, 矮秆植物占优势群落的植物种数、植物种总重要值和生物多样性指数(H')显著高于高秆植物占优势群落和外来植物占优势群落。应重视防除外来植物空心莲子草, 控制高秆植物和保护矮秆植物。

关键词: 田埂, 稻田, 植物群落, 指数, 生物多样性