Chinese Journal of Rice Science

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Isolation and Cytological investigation on Two Tetrasomics in Rice

Yu Hengxiu; Cheng Zhukuan; Li Xin; Gu Minghong   

  • Received:1900-01-01 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:1999-10-10 Published:1999-10-10


于恒秀;程祝宽;李 欣;顾铭洪   

  1. 扬州大学 农学院 农学系,江苏 扬州225009

Abstract: From the progenies of triplo-9 and triplo-11 of an indica rice variety, Zhongxian 3037, two morphological variants were selected. Cytological investigation was conducted on the variants. Three types of synaptic configuration, i. e., 12 +2 I, 11 1 +1 N and 11 1 +l +1 I, were detected at both pachytene and diakinesis in meiosis in pollen mother cells.Moteover,26 separated chromosomes were detected in anaphase I. It is shown that both of the two variants are tetrasomicswith a pair of extra chromosomes of chromosome 9 and chromosome 11, respectively, according to their pachytene karyotype.

Key words: rice, tetrasomic, karyotype

摘要: 在中籼3037初级三体9和初级三体11的后代中分别发现了一株形态变异株。依据中籼3037减数分裂粗线期核型以及这两个变异株减数分裂粗线期、终变期及后期Ι的染色体联会特征,确定这两个变异株分别为第9染色体和第11染色体的四体。

关键词: 水稻, 四体, 核型, 细胞学