Chinese Journal of Rice Science

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Current Knowledge and Prospects of Breeding Rice Varieties for Problem Soils

LI Yang-sheng; LI Da-mo; ZHOU Jian-lin; LI Shao-qing   

  1. (Changsha Institute of Agricultural Modernization; Chinese Academy of Sciences; Changsha 410125; China)
  • Received:1900-01-01 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:2000-04-10 Published:2000-04-10



  1. 中国科学院 长沙农业现代化研究所, 湖南 长沙 410125

Abstract: Problem soils where rice grows can be divided into two classes according to whether toxicity or deficiency predominate. The strategies of their amelioration and utilization for agriculture depend on predominant stress factors in a range of different problem soils. To increase sustainably productivity on problem soils, it is a important approach to develop new rice varieties appropriate to these soils. Current knowledge and prospects of breeding rice varieties for problem soils, including screening techniques, breeding methods, genetic variability etc., have been discussed.

Key words: problem soils, stress factors, varietal tolerance, breeding, rice

摘要: 根据土壤因子是毒害还是缺乏为主,可以将水稻生长的不良土壤环境分为两大类。不良土壤类型不同,其主要障碍因子存在明显差异,改造和利用不良土壤环境的策略也大相径庭。从培育耐不良土壤因子胁迫品种,挖掘不良土壤环境的生产潜力考虑,育种目标不同,育种程序、筛选方法和评价标准有显著差异。从筛选评价技术、育种方法、遗传变异等方面对水稻耐不良土壤因子胁迫品种改良的现状作了评述,并对今后的研究趋势作出展望。

关键词: 不良土壤, 胁迫因子, 品种耐性, 育种, 水稻