Chinese Journal of Rice Science

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Stability of Grain Yield Traits and Their Correlation in Hybrid Rice

JIANG Kai-feng; ZHENG Jia-kui; ZHAO Gan-lin; ZHU Yong-chuan; WAN Xian-qi; DING Guo-xiang   

  1. (Rice and Sorghum Research Institute; Sichuan Academy of Agricultural Sciences; Luzhou 646100; China)
  • Received:1900-01-01 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:2001-01-10 Published:2001-01-10


蒋开锋; 郑家奎; 赵甘霖; 朱永川; 万先齐; 丁国祥   

  1. 四川省农业科学院 水稻高粱研究所,四川 泸州 646100

Abstract: Based on the estimates of stability of grain yield and its components in hybrid rice by AMMI model, the relationship among stability of traits and between stability of traits and the value of grain yield components were analyzed, respectively. The results showed that the effects of genotype and environment for every trait were significant at 1% level. Besides effective tiller number, the other traits had genotype by environment interaction, and 1000 grain weight was the most stable component. The coefficient of correlation of stability between grain yield and seed setting rate and between total spikelets per panicle and both 1000 grain weight and seed setting rate were positive and significant at 5% level. The coefficients of correlation between 1000 grain weight and the stability of total spikelets per panicle and between seed setting rate and its stability were negative and significant at 5% level. The comprehensive improvement of grain yield components in hybrid rice of high and stable grain yield was discussed.

Key words: AMMI model, hybrid rice, yield component, stability, correlation

摘要: 在AMMI模型分析杂交水稻组合的产量及产量构成因素稳定性的基础上,进一步分析了性状稳定性之间及其与性状值之间的关系,结果表明,各性状的基因型和试点效应均达1%显著水平;除有效穗外,其余性状还存在基因型与试点的互作效应,且以千粒重表现最稳定。产量稳定性与结实率稳定性间、每穗粒数的稳定性分别与千粒重和结实率的稳定性间均呈显著正相关;每穗粒数的稳定性值与千粒重之间、结实率稳定性值与结实率之间均呈显著负相关。就高产稳产杂交稻的性状综合改良进行了讨论。

关键词: AMMI模型, 杂交水稻, 产量性状, 稳定性